Our Mission 

To get convenient roll-on and roll-off access for all kinds of bicycles on NSW Country Trains so people can easily travel to the new scenic bike trails being set up around NSW, and thereby support the many interesting towns and communities along the way.

New trains will replace the XPT, Explorer and Endeavour trains in the next few years, so now is the time to ensure better access and capacity for bikes on trains.

Write a letter

Write a letter to the Minister for Regional Transport, Minister for Tourism, Minister for Transport, local MPs.

Talk to your MP

Contact your MP and ask for their support. 

Get other people to take action

In a bike group? Get them to join the campaign.  

Talk to Country Mayors and Business  Groups

Convince them more people coming to their area will benefit the local economy. 


Sign a petition!



    Email BikesonNSWTrainlink! on:


 Carousel- bikes on trains around the world.

electric charging ROCK trains, ITaly.

New! e-bike charging on Rock intercity trains in Italy.