Social Media Design

Working mainly digitally, I became acquainted with the use of social media fairly quickly and learned all things from algorithm to how to design for a plethora of social media types. This was the focus of my first full-time job at the V&A Dundee where I used and developed these skills to create eye-catching and informative advertising material for the learning department.

Stamp Swap

Group Social media Intervention

- Designer and Data Analyser

''Our intervention revolves around our postcards, hence the name ‘Stamp Swap’, and aims to build connections between care home residents and the community…As this is a social media intervention, we are using Facebook and Instagram as our platforms. The idea to merge the social media with the physical aspect of the project was to have participants post on our pages their work from the activities sent out in the boxes.''

Talk Amongst Yourselves

As part of my final year design course, I had to curate and make an Instagram to document my design thinking and process as I designed my honour's project.

As the project began, this was more curated but slowly became focused on live documentation as the project developed from digital concept to physical. Adapting to the situation.

The Instagram blog can be viewed here

V&A Dundee