Honour's Project -

talk amongst yourselves

As part of my final Honour's year, I decided to approach medical design once more but with a physical product compared to my former UI/UX designs.

This eventually came to fruition in the form of a board game for young adults (16-25). This final product required learning soldering, laser cutting, wood working and electronics - most of which were new/developing at the start of this project.

"The concept behind Talk Amongst Yourselves is to use dark humour to subvert and distract from the awkwardness that comes with necessary medical conversations. The idea came from my friends and even myself having a chronic illness. The idea of explaining to people that you’re in pain, might need assistance or even what medication you are on can be frightening not just to the sufferer but for those who are being told. They might not know what to say, do or approach the conversation."

The game is made of cards themed around darkly humour doctor’s notes that are used in real medical settings. As each player answers a question, the cards can be cashed in to build a skeleton which lights up.

These elements of play and humour help to break up the seriousness of the situation and add a positive light on a potentially harsh conversation from both sides of the discussion.

My 2 minute working video was made as a form of visual instructions.

I tried to make the video as informative and to the point as I can whilst adding in small whistles and bells to give context and flare.

The song in the background is probably recognisable to a large selection of my target market, and that's the purpose. I decided to go with a song that matched the upbeat nature of the game from a "movie" that focuses on my target market whilst using dark humour to cope.