
DSRC V3.3 Audio Capture - Published 03-Mar-2022

There was a 'request' on the facebook group for the ability to record audio during racing, to make 'audio notes' at critical times.

Although recording a whole race would be at the very least 'wasteful' and worse eat all your spare memory, recordings at strategic points i.e. start and finish, should cover the majority of requirements (and not break the 'memory bank').

For DSRC V3.3 the intension is to automatically trigger recordings at the critical points, and make them available for playback.

Unfortunately, development to date has shown that there are certain Android capabilities that will not function simultaneously (namely recording and text to speech), so there has to be some compromise in what can be offered:

  • Single Start (not RC) - Both start and finish are recorded

  • Multiple Starts - All starts and finish are recorded

  • RC start - Only finish is recorded

  • Pursuit Start - Only finish is recorded

Trigger point for commencement and termination of recordings:

  • Starts - Prep Down commences, All Clear or Individual Recall + 30 seconds terminates

  • Finish - Shorten or Finish Open commences, End race terminates

Additionally, the recording can be paused (and unpaused) to remove 'silences'. But you must remember to unpause yourself :o)


  • As it is likely that differing Android devices audio quality and volume will vary, the initial version will not have any 'gain' applied, so that as a community we can discover if there needs to be a method to 'boost' the recorded audio during playback.

  • Playback controls will be visible once a recording is complete, and selectable from a list where there are more than one:

    • Play - Commence playback of recording from beginning

    • Pause - Pause playback until either play or stop is press

    • Stop - Stop playback

  • Recordings will be included against their associated race, and accessible via the Results Screen, where they can be shared (with other apps) or deleted.

  • Recordings (if the files still exist) will be recovered during 'Edit previous race', and can be replayed.

DSRC V1.96 - Pursuit scoring (Now published...)

Although DSRC has been capable of managing pursuit races, but this has just been the starting and ending signals.

The code is currently under development to extend this to enable capture of timings, both laps and final post race duration finish time, and the automatic scoring from these timings.

It also allows the switching between Competitors, Starts, and Racers views, which then enables selection/deselection, addition, and editing of competitors and racers.

The results, as normal, can be saved in pdf for instant review (new format for pursuit and class races), plus csv and xls formats for 'downstream' usage (Sailwave, HAL, others?).

The results pdf viewer has also been extended to included a 'share' button, which allow the results to be either shared for:

Viewing via another installed app e.g. Drive PDF Viewer

Sending externally via compatible apps e.g. Drive, gmail, dropbox, etc

Also addition light functions are being added for start 2 and beyond:

30 seconds to next start - Class On, Prep On (default in new firmware, but customisable)

10 seconds to next start - Class on, Prep Off (default in new firmware, but customisable)

At start, the normal 2 second horn is used, and all lights are set to Off.

DSRC V1.92 - Proposed timer display output format change (Now published...)

Although the 4 digit display of mm:ss is fine for short races (LSC's are usually circa 45mins), it is limited when it comes to races greater than 99 minutes.

I have therefore changed the timer output of DSRC from the current 'fixed' four digits (i.e. DSRC directly specifies what each digit should be to), to simply sending the total seconds (either to go if it's a countdown, elapsed when race is underway/completed, or 'device time' whilst in Race Screen and not countdown/race is in progress).

This will allow the external device firmware to display more digits, by it breaking down the total seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds., and then displaying as many digits as the club requires...


  • mm:ss - As I tested with, and fine for the shorter races. And you can decided to roll over the display at 59:59, or continue to 99:59

  • h:mm:ss - Adding one extra digit will allow display range up to 10 hours, before rolling over to 0:00:00 (ok, 9hrs 59mins 59secs :o)

  • hh:mm:ss - Adding two extra digits will allow display range up to 24hrs

To enable a more complex external controller, development firmware has been created to combine:

  • Horn relay control

  • Light control (Class A, Class B, Prep)

  • Timer display

The video just covers the Timer display, as this required code changes to accommodate different numbers of LEDs per segment that make up each digit...

In my test rig for example, I have just 3 LEDs per segment, making it 21 LEDs per digit.

The development code can be found under Files on the DSRC Facebook group


Got around to increasing the separation between middle digits... I think that's better :o)

Also added controls to Settings Screen to:

    • Switch external WiFi clock ON or OFF

    • Set brilliance level of external WiFi clock via slider (1 to 255)

Current prototype code uses the following colours:

    • Race countdown - RED

    • Race running - WHITE (brightest colour)

    • Race ended - BLUE

Still working on the Wifi module design.

Currently looking at three possible methods:

  • Use the same ESP8266-01 relay module to control both horn and clock (requires modification of relay module to get at GPOI2)

  • Use a separate ESP8266-01 to control the clock, which 'talks' to the relay module, which in turn 'talks' to the DSRC app

  • Use an Arduino mcu, together with a ESP8266-01, which would give a much larger number of 'control pins', allowing horn, lights, clock, etc. to all be connected and controlled using one central controller i.e. the Arduino

I have all the above methods working as prototypes, but have not yet decided which to pursue as 'standard'.


Ok, four digit test, still at low intensity...

Sorry about the focus. I guess it's the low light that's giving it problems :o(


Teaser of early prototype for a 4 digit time display which could be run off a single WiFi relay module...

Note - Brightness setting are pretty low at present, and this is just a small test display, approximately 130mm x 75mm per digit

Just for testing, if you end the race, and exit/return to Race Screen, then the elapsed time is displayed in blue.