Deep Learning for Object Classification



  • Yuji Oyamada, Tomotaka Ohnishi, Kazu Mishiba, and Katsuya Kondo, "Deep Convolutional 3D Object Classification from a Single Depth Image and Its Normal Map," International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV), 2018 [bib, slide]
  • 大西 友貴, 小山田 雄仁, 三柴 数, 近藤 克哉, "深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークによる単一距離画像とその法線マップを用いた物体識別," 電子情報通信学会 PRMU研究会 ,2018年2月 [bib]


This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16K16087 and discretionary spending by the president of Tottori University. We thank HPCTECH for providing a GPU that enabled us to run thousands of training and validation of deep convolutional neural networks.