Tips For Troubleshooting Nursery Water Fountains Step-by-step

Nursery water fountains are outdoor fixtures that provide a serene and calming atmosphere. They can be used in gardens, patios, and other outdoor spaces to create a tranquil environment. These fountains typically feature a pump that circulates water through a decorative basin or sculpture.

But, just like any other outdoor fixture, they require maintenance and troubleshooting occasionally. If you're experiencing issues with your nursery water fountain, don't worry! With a few simple steps, you can troubleshoot and fix the problem. This blog will provide step-by-step tips to troubleshoot nursery water fountains.


Step 1: Check the Power Source


The first step in troubleshooting a drinking water fountain is to check the power source. Ensure the fountain is plugged in or the power source is working correctly. These water fountains can be electricity or battery-operated; check if the batteries need to be replaced or check out electrical wires.


Step 2: Check the Water Level


Next, check the water level in the fountain. If the water level is too low, the pump may not be able to circulate the water properly. Add water to the fountain until it reaches the appropriate level. Be sure not to overfill the fountain, which can cause water to spill and damage the surrounding area.


Step 3: Clean the Fountain


If the power source and water level are not the issues, the next step is to clean the fountain. Over time, dirt, debris, and algae can build up in the fountain, causing it to clog or malfunction. To clean the fountain:

Step 4: Check the Pump


If cleaning the nursery water fountain doesn't solve the problem, the issue may be with the pump. Check to see if the pump is running properly. If not, try unplugging the pump and plug it back in. If this doesn't work, the pump may be damaged and must be replaced.


Step 5: Check the Water Flow


If the pump is working, but the water flow is weak or nonexistent, the issue may be with the water flow. Check the water flow valve to make sure it's fully open. If the valve is open and the water flow is still weak, try removing the pump and cleaning the water flow tube. If the water flow still doesn't improve, the pump may need to be replaced.


Step 6: Check for Leaks


If there are leaks in the fountain, it can cause the water to drain too quickly or not circulate properly. Check the nursery drinking fountain and pump for any leaks. If you find any leaks, use a waterproof sealant to seal them. Be sure to allow the sealant to dry completely before adding water back to the fountain.


Step 7: Consider the Weather


Lastly, consider the weather. Extreme temperatures, particularly during the winter, can cause the water in the fountain to freeze and damage the pump. If you live in an area with cold winters, it's a good idea to drain the fountain and store it indoors until the weather warms up.


Wrapping it up


Nursery water fountains can be a beautiful addition to any outdoor space, but they occasionally require maintenance and drinking fountain troubleshooting. Check the power source and water level if you're experiencing issues with your nursery water fountain. If those aren't the problem, try cleaning the fountain and pump. If the issue persists, check the pump water flow for leaks. And lastly, be sure to consider the weather and take appropriate steps to protect the fountain during extreme temperatures. Following these simple drinking fountain troubleshooting steps, you can enjoy your nursery water fountain for years.