9 Must-Have Elkay Drinking Fountain Repair Parts for Timely Upgrades

Elkay drinking fountains are widely famous for their reliability and high-quality construction, providing refreshing hydration solutions in public spaces, schools, offices, and other commercial environments. However, like any mechanical equipment, these branded drinking dispensers require periodic maintenance and repairs to ensure optimal functionality and longevity.


Timely upgrades with essential repair parts are crucial to keeping these units in top condition and providing users with a safe and hygienic drinking experience. This article will discuss Elkay drinking fountain repair parts that facilities managers and maintenance teams should prioritize for seamless upgrades.


1. Water Filters


These are a fundamental component of Elkay drinking fountains, as they ensure the water dispensed is clean and free from impurities, such as sediment, chlorine, and unpleasant tastes or odors. Upgrading water filters regularly guarantees the best drinking experience for users and helps protect the fountain's internal components from potential damage caused by contaminants.


2. Solenoid Valve


The solenoid valve controls the flow of water in branded drinking dispensers. Over time, these valves may become worn or faulty, leading to leaks or inconsistent water flow. Replacing the solenoid valve as important Elkay drinking fountain repair parts of routine maintenance significantly reduces the risk of malfunctions and water wastage, ensuring efficient water distribution.


3. Bubbler Head


The bubbler head is the nozzle from which users drink water. Frequent use and exposure to minerals in the water can cause wear and tear, affecting the water stream's quality and hygiene. Replacing the bubbler head when signs of deterioration are noticed helps maintain a clean and sanitary drinking experience.


4. Compressor


For Elkay drinking fountains with refrigeration capabilities, the compressor is a vital component that regulates the water's temperature. Regular inspections and timely upgrades of the compressor ensure that the fountain consistently dispenses refreshing and chilled water.


5. Fan Motor


The fan motor plays a crucial role in dissipating heat and ensuring efficient cooling performance in cooling systems. Regular maintenance and replacement of the fan motor when needed can prevent overheating issues and extend the overall lifespan of the Elkay drinking fountain.


6. Push Bars and Buttons


Push bars and buttons are susceptible to heavy use, especially in high-traffic areas. Upgrading these parts ensures that users can conveniently access water without any disruptions. Modernizing the push bars and buttons with touchless or sensor-operated mechanisms also promotes a more hygienic and user-friendly experience.


7. Refrigerant


Monitoring the refrigerant levels for drinking fountains with refrigeration is essential to guarantee optimal cooling performance. If there is a refrigerant leak or the levels are low, the cooling system's efficiency may be compromised. Regular inspections and timely refills or replacements help maintain consistent cooling capabilities.


8. Electrical Components


Elkay drinking dispensers incorporate electrical components to power various features, such as lighting, cooling, and filtration systems. Regular inspections and upgrades prevent potential electrical malfunctions and enhance user safety by ensuring these components are in excellent condition.


9. Water Dispenser Nozzle


The water dispenser nozzle, also known as the gooseneck or spigot, is one of critical Elkay drinking fountain repair parts that demands timely upgrades. These nozzles can become clogged or worn out with constant usage, affecting water flow and cleanliness. Upgrading the water dispenser nozzle ensures users a smooth and hygienic water dispensing experience.


Final Words


The Elkay drinking fountain is a dependable and popular choice for public hydration needs. To ensure they continue to provide efficient and safe drinking water, timely upgrades with essential repair components are vital. By investing in water filters, solenoid valves, bubbler heads, compressors, fan motors, push bars, refrigerants, and electrical components, facility managers and maintenance teams can extend the lifespan of these fountains, reduce water wastage, and improve the overall drinking experience for users.