Maximize the Lifespan and Performance of your Drinking Fountain with Reputed Service

Drinking water fountains and coolers are widely used as a perfect alternative to bottle-filled water and protect the environment from plastic use. Having such water appliances in residential or commercial settings encourages everyone to stay hydrated and helps to keep morale up. However, daily wear and tear and malfunctions are associated with such drinking water units. So, drinking fountain service plays a vital role in maintaining and keeping your water coolers and fountains best in the conditions.

Why hire a Professional Drinking Fountain Service?

Instead of calling a local plumber, you can rely on professional technicians to prevent costly repairs in the future and enjoy the peak performance of your water appliance throughout the year. When you hire these professional service technicians, they always carry the essential tools and equipment and always stay updated with the latest repairing techniques to deliver top-notch solutions.

They always use OEM components to replace the damaged parts of your drinking water cooler or fountain, which are durable, highly functional, and provide seamless performance.

These professionals have in-depth knowledge of every component functioning, so they can easily identify the fault in your water appliance without any delay. They offer a peace of mind solution without any hidden charges. Moreover, these technicians provide a free quote before performing any repair job.

When you need to hire a Drinking Fountain Service

Hiring a professional drinking fountain service is essential every six months as a periodic cycle to maintain your water appliances to avoid unexpected expenditure and enjoy the peak functionality and features all the time. However, let's discuss some common water cooler and fountain problems, such as:

1. Leaking your Water Appliance

It is vital to determine the source of the leak in your refroidisseur d'eau oasis, such as checking the cooling tank, drain gasket and quick-connect fittings. For example, if water is dribbling out after you stop pushing the button; the leak issue may be in the valve of the drinking water fountain. If you see a large leak, then immediately turn off your drinking water cooler and call a professional drinking fountain service.

The professional technicians will comprehensively check out the leak issue and will know exactly which spare part to bring. If your drinking water fountain is beyond repair, get a replacement.

2. Grinding Noise

A faulty or damaged compressor may be a major cause of Noise. So, it is highly recommended that you unplug your refroidisseur d'eau oasis and hire a professional technician to fix this issue quickly and efficiently.

3. The Water Taste Odd or Very Lousy

When you install a new Refroidisseur D'eau Oasis or fountain, the water may have a different odour due to certain sealants used in the installation. This odour will be eliminated in a few days. But if the unit is not new, the water source may cause this foul odour. In that case, the drinking fountain service assists you in flushing and sanitizing the unit before it is installed again.

4. The Water Flow is Very Low

Have you noticed that water flow is less than common in the mouthpiece of the bubbler? The strainer screen may be blocked with debris. You can easily clean it or replace the screen. In another case, a water filter inside the refroidisseur d'eau oasis may block it, which requires changing it. So, you can hire a reputed drinking fountain service.

5. There May be a Lime Built inside the Cooler

With the help of removal products, you can remove a small amount of lime. Large build-ups may require a professional drinking fountain service for professional cleaning work.

The End Note

No matter what type of drinking water fountain you use in your residential or commercial setting, trustworthy drinking fountain service can't be overlooked. Professional service providers not only help you solve the water appliance problem but also offer their services at reasonable prices. So what are you waiting for? Enjoy clean drinking water with the help of reputed services.