10 Tips for Choosing the Right Refrigerated Drinking Water Fountain

A refrigerated drinking water fountain is an excellent choice when providing clean and refreshing drinking water in public spaces or offices. These fountains dispense chilled water and eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles. However, with numerous available options, choosing the right refrigerated drinking water fountain can take time and effort. This article will provide ten essential tips to help you make an informed decision.


Assess Your Space and Requirements:


Before purchasing a refrigerated drinking water fountain, assessing your space and requirements is crucial. Determine the number of users and the daily water consumption to ensure the fountain can meet your needs. Consider factors such as available space, plumbing requirements, and electrical outlets. Additionally, assess the maintenance frequency and technical support availability in your area.


Capacity and Usage: 


Evaluate the anticipated demand for drinking water in the specific location. Determine how many people will use the fountain daily and choose a model with adequate water capacity to meet these needs. High-traffic areas may require larger units with higher cooling capacities to ensure a consistent chilled water supply. In addition, reputed drinking fountain supplier like Source Omega can help you cater to your fountain requirement beyond expectations. 


Quality and Durability:


Investing in a high-quality, durable refrigerated drinking water fountain is essential for long-term use. Look for water units made from stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant, more durable and hygienic materials. Consider the construction quality of the fountain, including the filtration system and the refrigeration unit. Ensure that the fountain meets relevant quality standards and certifications for drinking water equipment.


Cooling Efficiency:


Check the cooling capacity and efficiency of the water fountain. It should be capable of quickly chilling water to a desirable temperature and maintaining it consistently. Look for fountains with efficient cooling systems that can handle high-demand situations without compromising performance.


Filtration System:


The filtration system is a crucial component of a refrigerated drinking water fountain. It ensures the water is free from impurities and contaminants. Look for a water unit with an advanced filtration system that removes sediments, chlorine, bacteria, and other harmful substances. Consider carbon filters, UV disinfection, or reverse osmosis systems, depending on your water quality requirements.

Hygiene and Maintenance:


Maintaining a hygienic water fountain is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of users. Look for easy cleaning features, such as removable drip trays and self-cleaning mechanisms. Consider fountains with antimicrobial surfaces to prevent bacterial growth. Additionally, choose a unit from a trustworthy drinking water supplier that provides easy access to filters and other components for regular maintenance and replacement.


Energy Efficiency: 


Energy efficiency is an important consideration when selecting a refrigerated drinking water fountain. Look for fountains with energy-saving features such as programmable timers, motion sensors, or low-energy consumption refrigeration units. These features not only reduce operational costs but also contribute to environmental sustainability.


Ease of Use and Accessibility:


A user-friendly design and accessibility features are crucial for a drinking water fountain, especially in public spaces. Choose a fountain with intuitive controls and marked buttons. Consider adjustable water flow, height, and bottle-filling options to accommodate users of different ages and abilities. ADA-compliant fountains ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.


Additional Features:


Lastly, consider any additional features that may enhance the usability and convenience of the water fountain. Some fountains come equipped with touchless sensors for hands-free operation, LED lighting for visibility in dimly lit areas, or built-in water bottle fillers. These features can greatly enhance the user experience and provide added value.


Warranty and Customer Support:


 Finally, ensure the chosen water fountain has a comprehensive warranty and reliable customer support. The reliable water fountain supplier provides a warranty, peace of mind, and protection against manufacturing defects. Additionally, prompt and efficient customer support ensures that issues or concerns are addressed promptly.


Final Verdict


Choosing the right refrigerated drinking water fountain involves careful consideration of various factors. Assess your space, quality requirements, filtration system, and maintenance needs. Look for energy-efficient and user-friendly options while considering additional features that align with your preferences. By following these seven tips, you can ensure that you select a high-quality fountain that provides clean and refreshing drinking water to meet the needs of your space and users, promoting health and sustainability.