Mounted Drinking Water Fountain For Specific Needs

A mounted drinking water fountain is fixed on the wall to carry out specific requirements. It is put in a place with limited space that may include hill stations. Specific models and designs can be manufactured for your particular purposes. Installing a refrigeration system depends on your own choice.

The mounted drinking water can be adjusted at various heights offering flexibility for both adults and children. It is ideal for the person with reduced mobility. Schools prefer it to be most convenient for children.

The mounted drinking water fountain comes from a single platform to multilevel platforms. The single platform is ideal for a limited number of users, while the multilevel multi-platform is suitable for a location with a large number of users. Some reputed companies build the machine with several platforms according to your demand. Public places, railway platforms require many platforms for the convenience of drinkers, and to avoid their rush and physical contact.

A good dealer helps you in describing fine details of water drinking fountains to know which category will be most appropriate for you. He knows clearly that a mistake and wrong decision will result in severe inconveniences. When children and physically impaired people are thirsty and they cannot get water, the situation becomes precarious.

The outdoor mounted drinking water fountain is generally fabricated with a heavy-duty stainless steel body to make the body tough to counter damaging external influences, rough usages and to withstand rough winter and summer to ensure ceaseless outflow of water to dehydrated athletes, visitors and others.

A trustworthy dealer keeps many varieties of faucets. As a mounted drinking fountain is used by large numbers of people, the bubbler tap is recommended instead of a tubular tap. That provides the least physical touch by the users offering safety from infectious viruses and bacteria including corona in the present situation. The bubbler tap comes in various sizes and styles. The latest models have laser directed automatic systems. Users need not push the button of tap to get drinking water, but no sooner he stands in from of machines, water outflows automatically and stops when he leaves the drinking water fountain, so there is at least no physical contact.

An excellent quality cold control thermostat drinking water fountain is fitted with the ultra-advance thermostat to control the cooling system regulating the temperature of the chilled water at the required range of -30 F to above it.

Cold control thermostat drinking water holds valuable properties for its installation in the area with the coldest weather, especially where temperature can touch the sub-zero mark. The thermostat prevents freezing of the water stored in the water tank ensuring free delivery of water whenever it is required.

Let it be assured that the machine has a filtration system that completely filters out sediment, softener, charcoal and organic impurities as leadscale, chlorines and others. An effective filtration system removes minuets pollutants from entering the drinking water fountain to deliver safe drinking water.