Frequently Asked Questions

We will use this page to preemptively answer some questions that you may have. Even so, please feel free to ask if you have any questions, and with your permission, we will add it here so that others with the same question may receive an answer.

Q: Do I need to have an account on DreamZoo2 to submit my files here?

A: Nope! Anyone may use the form, whether you have an account on DreamZoo2's forums or not.

Q: Is there a timeframe for this offer?

A: Nope! There is not timeframe set on this offer. However, if a great deal of time has passed (i.e., decades), we are less able to guarantee that we will be able to act on your submission.

Q: Why should we place so much trust in DreamZoo2 to store our files in the long run?

A: You shouldn't. We strongly recommend using our site and the procedures that we outlined here as just one part of a multi-faceted comprehensive archival strategy. You are free to store your own content on cloud storage accounts that you create yourself, you are free to create a forum or static webpage to make your files accessible, and you are free to use the Internet Archive at your discretion. We can assure that we will do anything I can to ensure that your content exists indefinitely and is always accessible to you and those your wish to make it accessible to, however, we are only human. Humans can make mistakes. While the chance is extremely small that things will be lost, it is by no means a one hundred percent guarantee that none of your content will ever be inaccessible decades down the line. And so, we recommend that in addition to allowing us to help you archive your content, you also take some initiative to preserve your things yourself.

Q: Am I allowed to submit someone else's downloads here?

A: The short answer is yes, but you must have written, explicit permission from the original creators. Submitting files here is, in some ways, a very permanent procedure. It is technically impossible to fully delete any content that is available publicly on the internet, even for a very short time. We think it's very important that the original creators understand the ramifications of this, and so we strongly encourage the content creators themselves to submit their own work here. However, exceptions will be made if you are able to provide documentation that you have obtained, in advance, written permission from the original creator, and that the original creators understand the ramifications of these archival procedures. Whether or not you provide sufficient documentation will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Q: Can I update a download that I have already sent in?

A: Yes! Just fill out the download preservation form again with your new, updated files. Be sure to specify that you would like to update an existing download in the field that asks for comments for the DreamZoo2 staff.

Q: Can I take down files that I have previously sent in?

A: Yes, all of your files can be completely deleted from the cloud storage accounts and from the Internet Archive's page. Please send an email to, or find another way to get in contact with a staff member and we will take it down immediately, no questions asked.

Q: What if the site get destroyed, either by hackers, or the forum gets deleted, or the URL changes?

A: DreamZoo2's forums are being depreciated, and the downloads are no longer being stored there. They are being listed here on Google Sites, and on the Internet Archive. Therefore, the destruction of the old forums or this site shouldn't make any downloads inaccessible.

If your question was not answered to your satisfaction here, please don't hesitate to send an email to the following address:

We will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that this page may be amended as questions come in, alongside their corresponding responses.