Module 16:

Facilitating Focus groups


This module is focused on setting up and hosting focus groups.

Learning outcomes: You'll know what hosting a focus group looks like, general instructions, and some ways to solicit better feedback and answers from participants! 

What we'll do: Review some instructions, and read some documents to make sure we're paying attention to the trauma we might bring up!

Lights, camera, action!

Focus Group Instructions

Things to consider.

We'll be working together to flesh out what to ask in the focus groups. We'll be working together to build out focus group guides, with you as the community research team taking point. Think of the sorts of questions you may want to ask surrounding mentoring, outcomes, and positive youth development. Remember: you're the expert with experience and relationships already built. We're here to help you succeed!

On top of the guide, we trust you to determine who to include in the focus groups, where to host them, and how to best conduct them, whether that be online or virtually! 

Since we are interacting directly with people, it is important to use trauma-informed interviewing techniques. Please take a moment to read the article below about creating a trauma-informed space. We want to do everything we can to protect our participants from harm and trauma. Feel free to save this PDF for your personal reference and note taking.

Trauma-informed interviewing.pdf

The Takeaway: Focus groups are how we're going to get granular feedback from mentees on how credible messenger programming works, areas where it can improve, and what aspects of it feel the most rewarding. What we learn from these focus groups will inform the next developments in credible messenger mentoring!