Department Memorandum No. 2021-0480

Story Posted: November 14, 2021; 11:00 PM. Link to Post:

Attendance to the Launching of DOH Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Service Management Manual, Third Edition and Conduct of the DOH Symposium on Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics, December 13, 2021

Addressed to chiefs of DOH and government health facilities, requests respective nutritionist-dietitians to attend the launch and symposium activity with the theme "Current Trends and Updates on the Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics in the New Normal." Session topics include healthy holiday food preparation and cooking, initial findings from the evaluation of A.O. No. 2016-0020 (Per Capita Budget on Meal Provision), and orientation on the DOH Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Service Management Manual, Third Edition.

Download: DM No. 2021-0480