Department Memorandum No. 2021-0212

Story Posted: May 05, 2021; 01:00 PM. Link to Post:

CY 2021 to 2022 Menu of Technical Assistance (TA) and Support for Universal Health Care Integration Sites (UHC-IS)

Pursuant to Section 41 of R.A. 11223, UHC Act and related implementing rules and regulations, addressed to DOH executives and directors, BARMM Ministry of Health, and others concerned. Issuance to serve as reference for Centers of Health Development in formulating needs-based TA package for the UHC-IS based on their local health system maturity levels and identified TA requirements.

Concerns and further inquiries with this issuance shall be address to Bureau on Local Health Systems Development.

Download: DM No. 2021-0212

HFDB's areas of TA provision to UHC-IS address service delivery and referral systems as characteristic of province- and city-wide health systems. See also: