June Media Toolkit

Monthly Article

June 2022

The Recipe for Getting Healthy

Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination!

June is a GREAT month! The days are longer now than they are at any other time during the year–at least in the northern hemisphere. The weather is warm but usually not quite TOO hot yet, depending on your latitude. There are fairs, festivals, and outdoor concerts. School is out for most students, K-12 and college alike. All these activities beckon us to go outside (all of my fellow allergy-sufferers, I feel your pain, but I’m not letting them get in my way! Who’s with me?!).

And, depending on where you live, you are either tending a garden or, if you’re lucky, reaping the rewards of a bountiful harvest of home-grown, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Doesn’t all this sound like the perfect prescription to make some robust changes?

This is the ideal time to permanently change some of your habits and practices and create a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. The Summer Passport Program (on the Goosechase app, game code SUMMER2022) has some AWESOME ideas for getting the whole family involved (and active!).

So put on some bug spray or light a citronella candle, throw a blanket down on the grass in the shade or dust off your lawn chairs, and gather your family around to discover how you can introduce healthy lifestyles into your daily routine.

I LOVE June. Don’t you?

Press Release


Immediate Release

Stepping Into Summer

My Discovery Destination! and the Discovery Family Coalition kick off the Summer Passport Program 2022

Hold on to your sun hats and flip flops–May 28 kicks off the Summer Passport Program for 2022.

The Summer Passport Program not only gets families to spend time together, bond, and build resilience in children, it keeps bodies active and minds engaged, progressing on the path paved during the school year. This helps combat summer learning loss, also known as the “summer slide.” According to statistics, school-age children can lose two months of reading skills and more than two and a half months of math skills over the roughly 12-weeks between the end of one school year and the beginning of another. It takes teachers as much as six weeks to play catchup in the fall.

Regarding the Summer Passport Program, Sharilee Griffiths, program director, shares that, “There are well over 100 fun, flexible, FREE Adventures in the main hub that families can do on their own time. There are also mini-hubs for science, arts & crafts, reading and a special PreK hub. This summer each Adventure contains the TIPS section, designed to empower parents, as well as community engagement level ideas to help kids connect to their community. This is a key protective factor that helps kids achieve better outcomes in their teen years.”

Getting connected is easy. Download the Goosechase app and search for the code SUMMER2022. Participating in the Summer Passport Program is more than smart, easy protection–it’s also fun. It’s ‘game-ified prevention’ at it’s best.

Media Contact:

Sharilee Griffiths

Director, My Discovery Destination! and the Discovery Family Coalition

Phone: 435-770-0748

Email address: Sharilee@mydiscoverydestination.com

Our mission is to bring all sectors of the community together to strengthen families by providing opportunities for FREE Family Fun and connecting parents with programs, resources and information that help them acquire the skills necessary to raise loving, responsible, resilient children.

Summer Passport 2022

Social Media Frame

Help us spread the word about the Summer Passport Program by putting this fun frame around your social media profile pictures. You can get yours at twb.nz/summerpassport2022

We will be giving out 5 $25 gift certificates to people who help us spread the word by adding this frame to their social media sites.

Virtual Photo Booth

Releases Saturday, May 28th!

Enjoy a fun FREE Photo and help spread the word about the Summer Passport 2022 program

CLICK HERE to get yours!

Best Adventures Shared Campaign

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What families have to say about the Summer Passport Program