Discovery Family Coalition



Our mission is to bring all sectors of the community together to strengthen families and provide an opportunity for all families to feel safe and healthy. We do this by providing opportunities for FREE Family Fun and connecting  parents with programs, resources and information that help them acquire the skills necessary to raise loving, responsible, resilient children.


We are committed to preventing substance use and improving mental health for youth by arming parents with tools, resources and education to be prevention specialists in their homes. This commitment to empower parents as key players in the process is a commitment to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors through the social development strategy and other evidence-based programs and strategies.


Our vision is to promote happiness, prosperity and societal stability through strong families and meaningful parent-child relationships. We believe that strong parent-child relationships are the key to providing children with tools and encouragement to make healthy and safe choices in their lives, keeping them free from drugs, alcohol, violence, crime and pornography.


We believe that if parents and other adults will provide opportunities for youth to develop new skills and enhance existing skills, provide appropriate recognition and intrinsic rewards for doing so, and set clear standards of behavior for youth the result will be that families will bond and will experience better outcomes for youth.


Our goal is to bring entire communities together to support this vision to provide family outings, parent resources through web based tools, social media, educational materials, and by hosting ongoing interactive family Adventures that are available to all families throughout Utah.

Value Proposition

We unite communities in a common goal of promoting health and wellness:

We promote staying drug and alcohol free, choosing to LIVE, choosing kindness, 

building strong community connections, protecting mental health and online safety

Core Values






We believe in family!

Our foundational culture is that it is the role and responsibility of parents to teach and support their children. None of our programs will ever tell parents HOW they should think or exactly WHAT they should tell their children about a topic. Our role is to encourage parents to have the important conversations, to provide resources and tools to support them in their important role, and to provide plenty of opportunities for them to engage in meaningful ways with their children without breaking the bank in the process.

We believe most people learn by doing!

We know that each family is unique and that there are many ways to learn. However, we believe that most people, regardless of their learning style, learns best and retains more when the learning method incorporates doing and using as many different senses as possible. Therefore, we believe family adventures should be interactive, meaningful, and flexible to fit the family style.

We believe in flexibility!

Knowing that every family is unique, our programs are intentionally designed to be adjusted to fit the family using the program. Different ages, different sizes, different interests, different abilities and resources. We know that an Adventure enjoyed by a family with young children will look very different than a family with teens. We WANT parents and families to tweak our programs to fit their unique style and preferences.

We believe in equal access!

We believe that all families should have access to tools and resources regardless of income, schedule limitations or other barriers that often get in the way. We find no pleasure in creating a product that is only available to those that can 'afford' it. What this means is that we will do everything we can to provide a path for every family to have access to the program regardless of their income or other barriers. 

We believe in collaboration!

We believe that the best outcomes can only be achieved through collaboration and cooperation between multiple organizations. This is why we invite every sector of the community to come together to achieve the best possible outcomes-- schools, libraries, city and government leaders, non-profit leaders, business leaders, and especially FAMILIES and YOUTH!

We believe in supporting those that support us!

We believe that those who support our early efforts should  always receive 'founding' benefits and should never be 'punished' for being early adapters.  What this means is that those who join the coalition during these early years while we build will always have appropriate priority and special benefits.

Coalition Information

Name: Discovery Family Coalition

Physical Address: 556 Camaren Drive, Brigham, Utah 84302

Mailing addresses: 556 Camaren Drive, Brigham, Utah 84302

Phones number(s): 435-770-0748

Locations: Throughout Utah

Grant areas: BRHD, DCHD, CUPHD


Director/Team Certifications:

Multiple Degrees/Teacher  Certifications

QPR Trained

CATCH My Breath certified

Pyramid Consortium certified

Trained Body Talk Technician

Certified in a number of different

Strengthening Families programs

Securities Licensed

Life Licensed

Certified Mediator

Brief History

The Discovery Family Coalition began coming together when the Bear River Health Department reached out to My Discovery Destination! and asked to collaborate on their Summer Passport Program. As the two organizations worked together it became obvious that the free 'Adventures' were exactly what was needed by families to deliver the protective factors and reduce risk factors measured by the SHARP survey.

My Discovery Destination!, which has been focused on bringing all sectors of the community together to 'collaborate' since it's inception, made an intentional, focused effort to adjust their Adventures to align with the social development strategy and other evidence-based strategies to achieve the greatest impact for families and positive outcomes for youth. 

During this time we were referred to the head of the BRHD, a key leader at the Utah Dept of Human Services and several legislators. As a result of our work with several health departments across the state we formalized our 'collaboration' into  an official 'coalition'. While we are technically a prevention coalition, we prefer to think of ourselves as a 'PROMOTION Coalition - we promote choosing to stay drug and alcohol free, choosing LIFE even when things get tough, and choosing a healthy lifestyle that leads to healthy minds, healthy bodies, healthy finances, healthy relationships and healthy futures.

As a coalition we have several unique differences from other similar coalitions:



The problem we solve is the need communities have for combined efforts on identifying and implementing effective strategies to prevent :


We solve this need by providing a talented team to bring all sectors of the community together to focus on strengthening families and building character.moving prevention efforts upstream. Our core program, the Discovery Family Adventures, provide parents with easily accessible and affordable tools and resources for family bonding and attachment, connecting to their communities, and building resilience. Other components of the 'solution' include the Discover Family Fun communities on Facebook and the Discovery App to provide information to families about free local events and resources, prevention messaging, and to support other partners and their programs and resources that focus on strengthening families and building character.

In prevention work there are several stages where communities can get involved. Imagine there is a tall cliff that community members are likely to fall from and hurt themselves. Options for decreasing the damage includes:

Research has shown that increasing protective factors and reducing risk factors will result in youth avoiding risky behaviors like under-age drinking, drug misuse, and suicide.
