Day 2

Arduino Circuit

This Arduino circuit is soldered to the SparkFun air quality sensor which would measure the air quality and for us the CO2 levels of the area. This would be theoretically the device that our Stage 1 rocket would deploy. 

Capacitor Plane

The capacitor plane flies using a motor connected to a capacitor charged by a battery pack. The capacitor plane is essentially sustained gliding.

Rocket body

The rocket body is made up of a sheet of paper rolled around a PVC pipe. The fins were constructed from balsa wood and attached to the bottom of our rocket body

Nose cone

The nose cone was created from astick of balsa wood. We sawed and sanded the nose cone to the desired shape.


The canopy of our paarchute is made from a plastic bag. We attached four strings as the suspension lines and connected them all to a tension string

IMG_5271 (1).mov

Autonomous Drone Code

This code allows the drone to move in a square and eventually stopping at one location to capture the CO2.