
The Diplomacy elective recognizes that teachers and students can be agents of change. Therefore, training and supporting teachers and students through stimulating courses and special events are necessary steps towards developing a participatory culture of caring, interculturally sensitive people who are effective communicators and know how to move good ideas forward. Teachers take extensive training and facilitation courses to be able to generate course content that is current, and they use the most up-to-date teaching strategies to engage pupils in active, meaningful learning. Enriching online monthly sessions are being offered to Diplomacy teachers with the contribution of experts and high quality guest speakers.

Students experience an inclusive and stimulating classroom culture in which they are actively engaged in the study of communication to be able to become critical consumers of media, conscious of the risks and benefits of using media and using their conscience when producing media themselves. To build an equitable and effective program, students participate in two National Summit Days a year and teachers participate in training sessions in advance of Summit Day events. Additionally, many participating schools establish projects and maintain communication with schools abroad.

To advance such ambitious goals, we work with several other branches within the Ministry of Education and beyond, such as the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the American Embassy’s Education and Culture Division, and EcoPeace Middle East, to pool resources so that we can offer a five-point major that incorporates 21st century methods of teaching and learning, promotes tolerance and prejudice reduction, emphasizes the importance of shared citizenship, and develops leadership skills in our students.

We plan Summit Days of interschool activities for all students in the elective to build a sense of community and enrich the student experience.

If you believe that you or your organization should be part of our growing community as a resource, contact us.

Inquire. Engage. Inspire