Digital tools to teach circular economy (Di-To)

Rethinking pedagogical approaches and digital tools to teach circular economy: to teach is to learn twice.

Tools > Theme Videos


The thematic videos, developed by the ULB research team, consist of two videos that are presenting the main challenges that entrepreneurs face when implementing the concept of circular economy i.e., product design and scaling-up. In order to gather the opinion and experience of academia, practitioners and public bodies, the following people were involved: Prof. Marek Hudon (ULB), Prof. Virginie Bruneau (ULB), Prof. Cathy Macharis (ULB) Emmanuel Mossay (UCLouvain and ECORES), and France Leclercq (Circular Wallonia).

The first video is named “Remanufacturing” and aims at presenting the concepts of linear and circular economy, provide knowledge on how products can be designed for circularity and remanufacturing, and shows some case studies of virtuous circular product design. The second, named “Scaling-up” describes what are the barriers and enablers of circular business practices, how to overcome the challenges related to the adoption of circularity, and provides valuable insight on how to implement this concept in order to create a circular ecosystem.

These two videos were created with the objective of delivering knowledge and awareness about design and scale-up issues. As a result, it is possible to target the lack of advanced digital content on the ways circular economy is implemented in real life, and support circular entrepreneurs in adopting circularity in a more sustainable and profitable manner. In addition, the videos aims at presenting concepts such as functional economy, sharing economy and social economy. Therefore, they have been developed in line with the definition of circular economy provided in the European Green Deal by the European Commission. The videos also overcome the issue related to the scarcity of digital content about circular economy in a language other than English, as well as the need for more educational content about social enterprises.

For the purpose of international transferability, the videos were produced in French and Dutch and translated in French, English and Dutch, but we have the ambition to translate them in more EU languages, e.g., German. Thanks to the extensive feedback of the partners, the situations faced by entrepreneurs in the videos will be as relevant as possible not only for Belgian students but for European students in general.

In addition, we have created, within the SEMod project, a video that is presenting alternative and sustianable business and economic models. This video is adressing students of secondary schools to rise awarness on these topics.

Here is the video for secondary schools: