Theory of Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a required course which is central to the philosophy of the diploma programme. The main question which will be explored is "how do we know what we know?" 

Areas of Knowledge (AOKs): Knowledge in TOK is split into five main areas.

Students will explore how knowledge in these AOKs is acquired, distributed, and shared. 

Through discussions, socratic seminars, and presentations, students will become aware of the interpretative nature of knowledge. Through TOK, students will reflect about themselves as thinkers through twelve key concepts; certainty, culture, evidence, explanation, interpretation, justification, objectivity, perspective, power, responsibility, truth, and values. TOK requires students to create an exhibition involving three objects that explore how TOK manifests in the world around us. The essay (PTE) focuses on a conceptual issue in TOK, answering a knowledge question.