Trios 3shape scanner

Dentist For Life continuously invests in technology with modern Trios 3 - 3Shape scanners 

The 3Shape TRIOS scanner is a state-of-the-art digital impression system used in dentistry for capturing highly accurate 3D images of a patient's oral anatomy.

What is the Trios 3shape oral cavity scanner?

The Trios 3shape oral cavity scanner is a digital scanner used in dentistry to create a 3D model of a patient's teeth and gums. It offers high accuracy and speed, making it a popular tool for dental professionals. It can be used for a variety of dental procedures, such as creating crowns, bridges, and aligners.

How the machine works

The Trios 3shape oral cavity scanner works by using a wand to capture images of the teeth and gums. These images are then combined to create a 3D model that can be viewed on a computer screen. 

The scanner uses visible light to capture the images, meaning that there is no exposure to radiation. The 3D model can be used to plan and design dental procedures, and can also be used to create custom restorations such as crowns and bridges. 

The accuracy and speed of the scanner make it a valuable tool for dental professionals.

Dental treatment combined with Trios 3Shape

Combining dental treatment with the 3Shape TRIOS scanner can significantly enhance various aspects of dental care, from diagnosis and treatment planning to the actual delivery of dental procedures.

Application of Trios 3D machine in braces

The Trios 3shape oral cavity scanner is becoming more commonly used in orthodontic procedures, such as creating braces. The 3D model of a patient's teeth created by the scanner can be used to design custom braces that are tailored to the patient's needs. 

This allows for a more precise and comfortable fit, as well as a shorter treatment time. The accuracy and speed of the scanner make it a valuable tool for dental professionals in orthodontic procedures.

Application of Trios 3D machine in dental implants

The Trios 3shape oral cavity scanner can also be used in dental implant procedures. The 3D model of a patient's teeth created by the scanner can be used to plan and design the placement of dental implants. 

This allows for a more precise and accurate placement of the implant, resulting in a higher success rate and improved patient outcomes. The use of the Trios 3shape scanner in dental implant procedures is becoming increasingly popular due to its accuracy and efficiency.

Main features of the 3shape Trios machine

Overall, the 3Shape TRIOS machine is known for its precision, speed, and versatility, making it a valuable tool for modern dentistry. Dental professionals can benefit from its ability to improve treatment planning, communication with patients, and the overall patient experience.

Benefits of using the trios 3shape scanner

The 3Shape TRIOS scanner offers numerous benefits to both dental professionals and patients in the field of dentistry. 


The incorporation of the 3Shape TRIOS scanner into the practice of Dentist For Life represents a significant advancement in modern dentistry. This innovative technology not only enhances the precision and efficiency of dental procedures but also improves the overall patient experience.

The 3Shape TRIOS scanner's accuracy, real-time visualization, and versatility enable dental professionals at Dentist For Life to provide top-quality care. It replaces traditional, often uncomfortable impression-taking methods with a more comfortable and patient-friendly approach, significantly reducing chairside time. 



Address: 15580 US Highway 36, Marysville, OH 43040

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