50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery


Undergoing dental surgery is a necessary step for many of us to maintain our oral health. One of the key aspects to a successful recovery is adjusting your diet to include softer foods that won't strain your mouth or cause discomfort. In this blog post, we'll highlight three categories of soft foods that are perfect for post-dental surgery nutrition.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and many are soft enough to be eaten after dental surgery. Applesauce, mashed bananas, and canned peaches are all excellent fruit choices. On the vegetable front, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli are soft and nutritious options. Remember to blend or mash these foods to a comfortable consistency.

Protein-Packed Foods

Protein is crucial for the body's repair process after surgery. Soft protein options include scrambled eggs, mashed beans, and tofu. For non-vegetarians, tender cooked chicken or fish can be finely chopped or shredded to make them easier to chew. Protein shakes or smoothies are also a good choice, as they require no chewing at all.

Dairy Products

Dairy products offer another source of protein, as well as essential nutrients like calcium. Yogurt (without any hard pieces like granola or nuts) and cottage cheese are great options. For a sweet treat, try a pudding or custard, which are both soft and creamy. Ice cream can also be a nice treat, as long as it's not too cold, which can cause sensitivity in a recently operated mouth.


Recovering from dental surgery doesn't have to mean sacrificing taste and nutrition. With a variety of fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods, and dairy products, there are plenty of soft food options that are gentle on your mouth and good for your body. Remember, your comfort and health are paramount, so don't rush the healing process. Take the time to nourish your body with the right foods and give yourself the best chance at a swift and smooth recovery.

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Email: marysville@dentistforlife.net 

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Phone: (937) 707-1111 

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