Deep Cleaning - Uncover the Secrets of Scaling and Root Planing

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall health, and regular dental visits play a vital role in achieving this goal. During a routine dental check-up, your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning procedure called scaling and root planing. In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of deep cleaning and why it is essential for maintaining a healthy smile.

The Process of Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical procedure performed by a dental professional to combat gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. This deep cleaning technique involves two main steps: scaling and root planing.

During the scaling process, your dentist or dental hygienist will carefully remove plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth, both above and below the gumline. This is done using specialized dental instruments that effectively remove the built-up deposits. By removing these harmful substances, the dentist aims to eliminate the bacteria that cause gum disease.

Following the scaling process, the next step is root planing. This involves smoothing out the root surfaces of your teeth to promote proper healing and prevent the recurrence of gum disease. The dentist will use the same instruments to remove any roughness or irregularities on the roots, allowing the gum tissue to reattach firmly to the teeth.

Benefits of Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing offers numerous benefits beyond just clean teeth. By undergoing this deep cleaning procedure, you can expect:

Aftercare and Maintenance

After a scaling and root planing procedure, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene to ensure the success of the treatment. Your dentist may recommend regular follow-up visits to monitor your gum health and remove any residual tartar or plaque. Additionally, adopting a thorough oral care routine, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash, can help keep your gums healthy and prevent future gum disease.


Scaling and root planing, or deep cleaning, are integral components of periodontal therapy, crucial for halting gum disease and preserving optimal oral health. At Dentist For Life, our skilled team is dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care, including deep cleaning procedures, to ensure your gums remain healthy and your smile radiant. Let us guide you on the path to a healthier mouth and a brighter, more confident future.



Add: 15580 US Highway 36, Marysville, OH 43040 

Phone: (937) 707-1111 

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