50 Soft Foods To Eat After Dental Surgery

50 Soft Foods To Eat After Dental Surgery

50 Soft Foods To Eat After Dental Surgery

Dos and Don’ts

DO: - Eat soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow - Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated - Use a straw to drink liquids to avoid disturbing the surgical site - Rinse your mouth with salt water to help with healing - Take pain medication as prescribed by your dentist or surgeon - Follow all post-operative instructions given by your dentist or surgeon

DON’T: - Eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can damage the surgical site - Drink alcohol or smoke for at least 24 hours after surgery - Brush or floss near the surgical site until your dentist or surgeon gives you the go-ahead - Use mouthwash that contains alcohol - Chew gum or use tobacco products


Eating soft foods after dental surgery is important for proper healing and to avoid causing further damage to the surgical site. By following the list of soft foods and dos and don’ts, you can help ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Always consult with your dentist or surgeon for specific instructions and recommendations.

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Email:  marysville@dentistforlife.net

Phone: (937) 707-1111

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See more: https://dentistforlife.net/blog/50-soft-foods-to-eat-after-dental-surgery