Dentures Cutting Into Gums

Dentures Cutting into Gums 

Causes and Solutions

Using dentures can bring confidence and eating ability to people who have lost teeth. However, sometimes you may experience soreness when the denture cuts into your gums. Understanding the causes and solutions will help you have a more comfortable experience with your dentures.

Changes in Gum Tissue

Over time, the shape of your gums can change, which can result in your dentures no longer fitting properly. This can cause pressure points and sore spots, which can lead to cuts in the gums. If you notice that your dentures are no longer fitting properly, it is important to see your dentist to have them adjusted.

Causes of dentures cutting into the gums

How to solve the situation of dentures cutting into the gums

First, visit your dentist to have your dentures checked and adjusted. The dentist will determine if the denture is suitable for size, shape and comfort, and then make the necessary adjustments.

Using denture paste can help relieve pressure on the gums and relieve pain. Use the paste according to your dentist or manufacturer's instructions.

Pay attention to how you use your dentures, like how you press them against your gums or how you eat. Changing usage habits can help reduce pressure and pain.If the gingival cut does not improve after initial adjustments, you may need to consider re-engineering your dentures to ensure that they fit and are comfortable.

Consequences of dentures cutting into the gums

If dentures are cutting into the gums, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible. Ignoring the problem can lead to more serious dental issues, such as infections and bone loss. Infections can occur when cuts in the gums become infected with bacteria. Bone loss can occur when the pressure points from poorly fitted dentures cause the bone in the jaw to break down. 

This can lead to a sunken appearance of the face and further complications. It is important to see your dentist if you are experiencing discomfort due to dentures cutting into your gums to prevent these consequences.

Tips for dentures cutting into the gums

Dentures cutting into gums can be a painful and uncomfortable problem. Poorly fitted dentures and changes in gum tissue are two common causes of this issue. However, there are solutions available, such as using a denture adhesive or having your dentures relined or rebased. If you are experiencing discomfort due to dentures cutting into your gums, it is important to see your dentist for an evaluation and to discuss possible solutions.



Adress: 15580 US Highway 36, Marysville, OH 43040

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