Reimer, D., Weiss, F., & Skov, P. R. (2018). Does a bridge close the gap? the role of travel distance to university for inequality in higher education choices. Results from a natural experiment. Abstract from Rethinking Social Inequality in the Globalizing World., Seoul, Korea, Republic of.

Sortkær, B., & Reimer, D. (2018). Classroom disciplinary climate of schools and gender: - evidence from the Nordic countries. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. External link - click here.

Smith, E., & Reimer, D. (2018). Klasseledelse, uro og mobning: resultater fra TIMSS 2011. Nordic Studies in Education, 38(1), 35-51.

Stratton, L. S., Gupta, N. D., Reimer, D., & Holm, A. (2018). Modeling Completion of Vocational Education: The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills by Program Type. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 18(4), 1-17. External link - click here.

Müller, W., Pollak, R., Reimer, D., & Schindler, S. (2017). Hochschulbildung und soziale Ungleichheit. In R. Becker (Ed.), Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie (3. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage ed., pp. 309-358). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. External link - click here.

Reimer, D. (2015). Book Review: The Sacred Project of American Sociology. Acta Sociologica, 58(3), 287-289.

Erola, J., Reimer, D., Räsänen, P., & Kropp, K. (2015). No crisis but methodological separatism: a comparative study of Finnish and Danish methodological trends between 1990 and 2009. Sociology, 49(2), 374-394. External link - click here.

Petersen, K. B., Reimer, D., & Qvortrup, A. (2014). Introduction: Approaches to the notion of evidence and evidence-based education in Denmark: contributions and discussions. In K. B. Petersen, D. Reimer, & A. Qvortrup (Eds.), Evidence and evidence-based education in Denmark: the current debate (pp. 7-18). København: Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet. Cursiv, No. 14

Reimer, D., & Dorf, H. (2014). Teacher Recruitment in Context: Differences between Danish and Finnish Beginning Teacher Education Students. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58(6), 659-677. External link - click here.

Holm, A., Jæger, M. M., Karlson, K. B., & Reimer, D. (2013). Incomplete equalization: the effect of tracking in secondary education on educational inequality. Social Science Research, 42(6), 1431-1442. External link - click here.

Schindler, S., & Reimer, D. (2011). Differentiation and social inequality in German higher education. Higher Education, 61(3), 261-275. External link - click here.

Reimer, D., & Jacob, M. (2011). Differentiation in higher education and its consequences for social inequality: introduction to a special issue. Higher Education, 61(3), 223–227. External link - click here.

Jacob, M., & Reimer, D. Differentiation in higher education and its consequences for social inequality. Equalsoc Policy Brief 9.

Reimer, D. (2011). Labour market outcomes and their Impact on tertiary decisions in Germany: class and gender differences. Irish Educational Studies, 30(2), 199-213. External link - click here.

Duru-Bellat, M., Kieffer, A., & Reimer, D. (2010). Les inégalités d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur: le rôle des filières et des spécialités: une comparaison entre l'Allemagne de l'ouest et la France. France. Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. Economie et Statistique, 433-434, 3-22.

Reimer, D., & Pollak, R. (2010). Educational expansion and its consequences for vertical and horizontal inequalities in access to higher education in West Germany. European Sociological Review, 26(4), 415-430. External link - click here.

Reimer, D., & Becker, B. (Eds.) (2010). Von der Hochschule bis zum Kindergarten: Die Generierung von Bildungsungleichheit in der Bildungsbiographie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Kristen, C., Reimer, D., & Kogan, I. (2008). Higher Education Entry of Turkish Immigrant Youth in Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49(2-3), 127-151. External link - click here.

Reimer, D., Noelke, C., & Kucel, A. (2008). Labor Market Effects of Field of Study in Comparative Perspective: An Analysis of 22 European Countries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49(4-5), 233-256. External link - click here.

Duru-Bellat, M., Kieffer, A., & Reimer, D. (2008). Patterns of Social Inequalities in Access to Higher Education in France and Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49(4-5), 347-368. External link - click here.

Reimer, D., & Schröder, J. (2006). Tracing the Gender Wage Gap: Income Differences between University Graduates in Germany. Zeitschrift fuer Arbeitsmarktforschung, 39(2), 235-253.