Sociologist, University of Iceland


I have both German and French citizenship - but grew up in Germany (Northeim, Lower Saxony) where I also completed my upper secondary education (Abitur) at the Corvinanum Northeim.  Northeim, by the way, is the town studied in the famous micro-history book by William Sheridan Allen The Nazi Seizure of Power - something I did not know until an American history professor enlightened me sometime in the early 2000s - even though I took the advanced history ("Leistungskurs") at my gymnasium.  I subsequently studied social sciences  (Diplom Sozialwissenschaften) at the University of Mannheim (1996-2002) with a one year stint as an exchange student at Indiana University's Department of Sociology (1999-2000). I finished my MA (Diplom) degree in 2002 and worked as a "wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter" for Professors Walter Müller and Josef Brüderl at the University of Mannheim's Faculty of Social Sciences and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). For a number of years I was the coordinator of the exchange program between Indiana University and the University of Mannheim. Together with Walter Müller I also wrote the research grant proposal for the project Social Selectivity in Tertiary Education and Labour Market and Stratification Outcomes which received funding from the German Science Foundation (DFG). I wrote my PhD thesis in that project and a number of other researchers (Carlo Barone, Markus Klein, Martin Neugebauer, Steffen Schindler) also held positions in that project at least for some time. I finished my PhD 2009 and moved to Denmark in the same year following my (Icelandic) wife Rósa who secured a position at the East European Studies program at Aarhus University. My own career at AU started in May 2009 with a postdoc at the Danish School of Education (DPU). I have not left since and in 2015 I was promoted to professor (with special responsibilities).  In 2023 it was time to move again - and now I hold the position as professor of sociology of education at the University of Iceland.