Sociologist, University of Iceland


I started a new job at the University of Iceland (Professor of Sociology of Education) per January 2023 but will keep an institutional affiliation at Aarhus University for now to finish my ongoing reserach projects. More news to follow.

Some recent talks:

Ups - this needs updating... Will follow soon!

  • Student persistence in higher education and social inequality: Methodological and theoretical reflections & selected results from Denmark (invited talk, University of Kassel, November 2018)

  • Different measurements of student social background in PISA – does it make a difference ? (talk @Northern Lights on PISA & TIMSS conference in Helsinki, Finland, September 2018. There is a nice youtube video of the talk - click here, video runs from 2:34 - 2:54)

  • Beyond the bachelor degree: The case of Germany (invited talk @research project: "Beyond the bachelor degree – choices and transitions" PI - Lars Ulriksen, May 2018)