Midweek Pedallers

Some of the Midweek Pedallers take a break at Osmotherley.

The 'Midweek Pedallers' refers to the Tuesday and Friday formal rides starting from Stamps cafe, High Street, Great Ayton. Note that  some of these rides start from alternative locations and some are car assisted - please refer to the latest copy of the Rides list for up-to-date information.

More informal rides take place on a Thursday morning - same place and time as for Tuesday & Friday, but the destination is decided on the day. 

Rides are open to all Cycling UK members. Non-members of Cycling UK may accompany up to three of these rides before there is an expectation to join Cycling UK. Non-members should inform the Ride Leader of their presence, and it would be most helpful if they could bring a completed guest consent form. This may be printed from the following link.


The ride leader also maintains an 'In Case of Emergency' (ICE) list, but we ask that ride participants carry their own ICE information if they are non-members or if they are not with a ride leader. We would advise against relying on having an ICE contact on your mobile phone in case the phone is locked if needed. Two suggested forms, one short and one long, may be downloaded from the 'Files' section of the club facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/780534078643034

Average speed for rides is usually 10 to 12mph (16 to 19.5kph). Rides visit a variety of destinations across the region, from Staithes to Northallerton and Sadberge - and many others. Summer rides are generally 30 to 45 miles long, with shorter rides of 20-35 miles in winter. Rides are weather dependent and may be changed on the day at the Ride Leader's discretion. All rides end at lunchtime unless riders accompany the Ride Leader afterwards. Most riders carry their own food and drink, but lunch stops aim to be close to a suitable venue where food/drink may be purchased.

If you are new to cycling, some useful advice on preparation for rides may be found here https://www.cyclinguk.org/article/campaigns-guide/cycling-tips-24-essential-pieces-riding-advice-beginners

Please note that some people in the group regularly post on social media, and this may include photographs. It is recognised that this may be a sensitive issue for some people; please let let anyone taking photographs know if you do not wish to be included in photos.

Finally - we aim to conduct safe and enjoyable rides and events. We promote responsible cycling and reserve the right to refuse riders who ride irresponsibly, and those whose behaviour is likely to cause offence and/or harm.