Newsletter - archive

Fixed and Free was a newsletter for the group, probably first published in the 1930s. Sadly these are no longer published, but the copies below are preserved for the interest of past, current and future group members.

Publication was each September.

From 2000 to 2007 there are two files per edition;

   - one for the cover (outside and inside) using colour,

   - one for the body, black and white only.

Click on file name to display, click on arrow at right of file line to download. 

The file is identical to the one sent to the printer for the hard copy.

If this opens magnified in your viewer and some images look 'blocky' and mis-coloured, reduce the viewing size (to the printed A5 page)

Earlier copies will be available in a forthcoming archive.

NOTE: if you do not have a Google account, or have any other difficulties in accessing this archive, I can instead send you a ZIP file containing all copies of the Newsletter listed below. Please contact me via to facilitate this.