Tri-Vets Ride

Every three years CYCLING UK organises a “Triennial Veterans Ride” throughout the country and in 2022 TEESSIDE CTC hosted an event, so it will be our turn again in 2025!

The ride is aimed at cyclists aged 50 years and over. It is not restricted to CYCLING UK members and is opened to all experienced cyclists. This is not a race but an enjoyable challenge. The aim is to complete a 100-mile ride in under 12 (twelve) hours. A 100k (64 mile) ride route is offered as an alternative if you want a shorter ride.

As mentioned above, the events were held in 2022, and the following two links will give you more information on the 2022 TriVets series from both a national and local perspective.

It will be the turn of Teesside CTC once again to host the Tri-Vets in 2025, whichis also the club centenary year. Watch this space!


A TriVets group waiting to start the Teesside 2022 event.