Coxwold gathering and church service

Steve Brock (Chair, Teesside CTC) and Ann Benton (Chair, North Yorkshire CTC) with the commemorative wheel at the grave of the Revd Gibson Black, founder of the service in 1927.

Coxwold Cyclists Gathering and Church Service

Sunday, 12th May 2024.

The service was inaugurated in memory of cyclists killed in the First World War and now commemorates the fallen of both world wars and cycling in general. The service, which attracts many riders from Teesside and Yorkshire, is open to all cyclists.


It was a well attended event this year, with 63 cyclists in the church for the 98th Coxwold service. Led by the Revd Katie Franks with the address by the Revd Eadie, now of York Minster and formerly the sole  Bangkok Anglian Vicar. Riders had come from Huddersfield, Bradford, Halifax and Hull as well as nearer by. Many thanks to Judith Webb ( North Yorks main organiser), the Revd Franks and Revd Eadie for a great service 


Coxwold Sunday falls into 2 parts..the gathering of cyclists  from 12 to 13.15 (and after the service for tea), and the Church service from 13.30. This years gathering of cyclists was well attended, and 71 cycles were parked at 12.45 at the Village Hall car park. A lovely multi choice lunch was provided by the Coxwold Village Hall committee with all money received going to the Hall's funds. 

Congratulations to Teesside riders Eric Bryson and Nigel Gooch  (both rode from Middlesbrough),Terry Walsh and Bob Robson (both rode from Stockton) and Iain Bowran (rode from Yarm). Over 75 hilly miles - well done all.  

The date for next years event will be announced in due course.

Lunch in the village hall at Coxwold.