Week 1: Thursday, 7.27.23

Students had the opportunity to take a boat trip on the Islander (pictured). Unfortunately, due to the windy conditions, we were unable to venture out into Vineyard Sound. Nevertheless, students participated in a trawl drag and helped put the trawl in the water as well as retrieve it. In addition, they had the opportunity to help with a plankton tow. Students also had the opportunity to interact and touch a variety of local marine life. We ended our excursion using a high powered camera to look at the anatomy of some marine life such as the mouth of a sea urchin and the eyes a scallop.

Boat Trip!

Our Guide

Robert M Reynolds, 

WHOI Guest Investigator

"Rob Reynolds started Zephyr Education Foundation in 2009. Over 17,000 college, high school, and middle school students have participated in Zephyr cruises since 2010. Rob’s summer job during high school and college was working as the mate on the Marine Biological Lab’s 40 foot collecting boat “Ciona”. After graduating from Princeton, he worked as a field engineer, party chief, program manager and field operations manager." 

Zephyr Education Foundation, Inc.