Publications and Preprints

Below you can find the list of my papers and preprints.

Papers and Preprints

Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 307 (46) (2024).)Preprint available in arXiv:2207.07594 

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Vol. 203, 1093-1114 (2024).  Preprint available in arXiv:2304.05158 

Differential Geometry and its Applications Vol. 83 (2022) 101898. Preprint available in arXiv:2008.03416 

International Mathematics Research Notices Vol. 2020 (14) 4395-4432 (2020). Preprint available in arXiv:1612.09289

6. On the Lie 2-algebra of sections of an LA-groupoid, with J. Waldron. 

     Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 145 (2019) Preprint available in  arxiv:1703:09791  

7. Integration of 2-term representations up to homotopy via 2-functors, with O. Brahic. 

     Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 372 (1) 503-543 (2019). Preprint available in arXiv:1608.00664

8. Obstructions to the integrability of VB-algebroids, with O. Brahic and A. Cabrera.

     Journal of Symplectic Geometry, Vol.16 (2) 439-483 (2018). Preprint available in arXiv:1403.1990 

9. VB-algebroid morphisms and representations up to homotopy, with T. Drummond and M. Jotz.

      Differential Geometry and its Applications 40, 332-357 (2015). Preprint available in  arXiv:1302.3987

10. Multiplicative Dirac structures. 

     Pac. Journal of Mathematics 266 (2), 329-365 (2013). Preprint available in arXiv:1212.0176

11. Foliated groupoids and infinitesimal ideal systems, with M. Jotz.

     Indag. Mathematicae, 25, 1019-1053, (2014). Preprint available in  arXiv:1109.4515 

12. B-field transformations of Poisson groupoids.

   Proceedings of the Second Latin Congress on Symmetries in Geometry and Physics, Matemática Contemporânea, Vol. 41, 113-148          (2012). Preprint available in arXiv:1107.3343 

13. Linear and multiplicative 2-forms, with H. Bursztyn and A. Cabrera.

     Letters in Mathematical Physics, 90, 59-83 (2009). Preprint available in arXiv:0911.0441

14. Multiplicative Dirac structures on Lie groups.

        C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I 346 1279-1282 (2008). Preprint available in arXiv:0906.2373

Other Publications

Preface to  "La moral y la ciencia" - Spanish translation of "La Morale et la Science" by Henri Poincaré.

Translation by Marcelo Pérez M. 

Santiago de Chile

Fe de Ratas Libros, 2020: 7-21.

See this note made by the online Chilean news "El Mostrador".