bank officer training

Training Services for Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions 

What is the cost of ignorance? How much does it cost to an organization if employees are not able to answer customer questions quickly or at all, or to make poor decisions based on faulty knowledge? If the cost can not be ascertained immediately, it can be done indirectly by the direction of market share. 

In this  information age, knowledge is changing too fast. Not only is new knowledge and information being produced, but also old knowledge is being reinterpreted and repackaged for more and varied purposes. There is a constant need to reskill ourselves with this new knowledge to be competitive. Competition will indeed be between the slow and the fast!!

Is your training system geared up to face up to this challenges?

 To meet their organizational and operational goals, organizations must manage information and knowledge resources effectively. Information and knowledge management focus on different parts of the same value chain.  


‘Knowledge info packs’, conventionally known as training materials along with class room lectures  may not go down deep to nest with the target group, as nesting of knowledge requires context. Context is made up more importantly with past knowledge, culture and location. Possession of right kind and doses of knowledge has less to do with "doing ", more to do with "being".   

Designing training goes much beyond delivering tangible company specific info packs to the target group into creating intangible domain in which the new knowledge be delivered, can nest, be used and grow.

Our training strategy is to supply bank specific info packs within very influential framework of knowledge management, using extensive participatory tools.

How we can network with your training establishment?

If you have a good training infrastructure but do not have trained faculties 

We can help you select persons with right attitudes from your operation side and turn them into skilled faculties through our trainers’ training courses.

Sparing more persons from operation side to work as trainers is not cost effective for your organization?

We can take responsibility of implementing a part or the entire training calendar of your organization - from designing individual courses, supplying training materials and course delivery at your site.

Do you want to have training courses on new knowledge areas?

Just tell us the area and we may help your faculty in designing and conducting such courses.

Do you want to start training staff without investing for training infrastructure?

Just contact us at Creditwatch plot 10 C prince Anwar Shah Road Kolkata 70068 email us