Paintball Pro Shop

Creative Pursuit Games, Inc. is Northern Virginia's only professional-level Paintball Pro Shop independent of a field. 

We are now offering Air Fills!

We can fill 4,500psi* and 3,000psi paintball air tanks (in addition to similar** tanks for airsoft and PCP air rifles).

Fills cost $5.00 per tank, and are generally available Wednesday - Sunday during our normal business hours.

You are responsible for checking that your air tank is "within hydro" before bringing it to be filled (generally within 3-5 years of the tank's "born date" or a successful hydrotesting stamp, depending on the type of tank). You are strongly encouraged to check your air tanks for visible damage and ensure that your air regulators are in good working order*** before bringing them to be filled.

We will check that all tanks are within date and undamaged before each fill. We will NOT fill damaged or out-of-date tanks!

*Please note that 4500psi is the maximum working pressure of our system. Actual "4500psi" air fills may register from 4,000psi - 4,500psi due to the heating and cooling of air during the filling process, atmospheric conditions, altitude changes the filled cylinder is subjected to, errors in gauge calibration, and the fullness of our own storage cylinders at the time of filling.

**Please note that we are not equipped or licensed to fill air tanks for use in scuba diving.

***Please note that we are not responsible for pressure relief valves ("burst disks") which may blow during filling. Our staff are trained to fill tanks slowly and gently, and our air system is filtered and well maintained; your tank will be treated as gently and professionally as possible at our hands. Paintball air tank regulators can naturally fail due to contamination from poorly maintained air systems, manufacturing defects, age, and use - such failures are not our fault, or our problem!

We stock (and special order) products from all the best Paintball Manufacturers, including:

We don't just sell to paintballers... we ARE paintballers.

This means we have carefully selected products that actually work - and work WELL. We will stand behind anything we sell.

It doesn't work, we'll fix it. If it needs a warrantee repair / replacement, we will stand behind you and make sure the company follows through.

You know where to find us, and can talk to us face-to-face - you can't do that with online mega-dealers.

We also help build and tune AUTOCOCKERS and AUTOMAGS!

Our specialty is high-end mechanical paintball guns, but if it's "old school" and worth saving, we will help restore just about anything, including Angels, Intimidators, Shockers, Vikings, Excaliburs... You name it!