✍️ On the Blog

Stroke Awareness Month


May is National #Stroke Awareness Month. Every year more than 22,000 Virginians have a stroke. Learn how to spot a stroke and save a life at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/05/08/recognizing-a-stroke-this-stroke-awareness-month/ #StrokeMonth 

Blog Link: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/blog/2024/05/08/recognizing-a-stroke-this-stroke-awareness-month/ 

🖥️ New + Updated Areas

Firearm Injury Prevention

This new page on the Comms Hub offers communication and print resources for firearm injury prevention. More to come! 

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Review the materials and use them for your communications and outreach.

💡 New + Updated Assets

Wash Your Hands Poster

This 1-page infographic from VDH gives simple visual + text instructions on how to properly wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs. 

🎙️ Available in English + Spanish

📌 This can be found in Household Safety

💡 Print + post, share online, or send to doctor's offices + community partners.

Vector-Bourne Diseases Social Media Toolkit

CDC’s vector-borne disease messages and images educate and encourage people to protect themselves from tick and mosquito bites.

📌 This can be found in Ticks

💡 Share on social media + newsletters

"6 in 10" Firearm Injury Prevention Poster - Office Printer

This 8.5x11 poster from VDH illustrates the statistic that 6 in 10 firearm deaths in Virginia are suicides. It also includes the text, "Firearm deaths are preventable."

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Print + post in offices or waiting rooms, or share with community partners.

"6 in 10" Firearm Injury Prevention Poster - Professional Printer

This 11x17 poster from VDH illustrates the statistic that 6 in 10 firearm deaths in Virginia are suicides. It also includes the text, "Firearm deaths are preventable."

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Post in offices or waiting rooms, or share with community partners. 

Best Practices for Communicating About Firearm Injury and Death

This document from VDH provides a reference guide for communicating about the difficult topic of firearm injury and death. It includes key messages, language guidance, and communications approaches.

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this guide for best practices to follow when phrasing your communications efforts. 

CDC Fast Facts: Firearm Violence + Injury Prevention

This resource from CDC provides information about firearm injury including definitions, statistics, prevention, and other resources.

This page also includes links to information about how to properly store a firearm, suicide resources, and surveillance systems.

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications.

CDC Firearm Violence Prevention

This resource from CDC provides information about CDC’s approach to prevent firearm injuries, plus data on national firearm homicide and suicide trends. 

The goal of this site is to help address the gaps in knowledge about firearm violence by providing data, conducting research, and promoting collaboration across multiple sectors. 

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications.

Every Week Firearm Injury Prevention Poster - Office Printer

This 8.5x11 poster from VDH illustrates the statistic that 13 Virginians die by firearm suicide and 8 Virginians die by firearm homicide every week. It also includes the text, "Firearm deaths are preventable." 

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Print + post in offices or waiting rooms, or share with community partners.

Three Virginians Firearm Injury Prevention Poster - Office Printer

This 8.5x11 poster from VDH illustrates the statistic that three Virginians die by firearms every day. It also includes the text, "Firearm deaths are preventable." 

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Print + post in offices or waiting rooms, or share with community partners.

Three Virginians Firearm Injury Prevention Poster - Professional Printer

This 11x17 poster from VDH illustrates the statistic that three Virginians die by firearms every day. It also includes the text, "Firearm deaths are preventable." 

📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Post in offices or waiting rooms, or share with community partners.

VDH ED Visits Dashboard

VDH tracks emergency department (ED) visits for all types of firearm injuries. These can include self-harm, assault, or unintentional. 

This dashboard from VDH shows firearm injury visits among residents and out of state visitors to Virginia emergency departments. This dashboard is updated by the 15th of each month. 

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications or share with community partners, healthcare providers + others working to prevent firearm-related deaths.

VDH Firearm Injury in Virginia

VDH monitors firearm injuries from three data sources: emergency department visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and deaths. 

This resource from VDH provides links to data sources, dashboards, and "fast facts" about firearm injury specific to Virginia. 

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications or share with community partners, healthcare providers + others working to prevent firearm-related deaths.

VDH Firearm Related Injury Prevention

This resource from VDH includes firearm safety tips, information for parents and caregivers, and links to initiatives and partnerships.

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications.

VDH Firearm-Related Deaths Dashboard

VDH tracks all types of firearm-related deaths. These include suicides, homicides, unintentional deaths, those related to legal intervention or war, or deaths with undetermined intent. 

This dashboard from VDH shows firearm-related death information by age group, race/ethnicity, sex, health district, and intent of injury. Data on this dashboard are from death certificates of Virginia residents only, including those who died out of state. 

 📌 This can be found in Firearm Injury Prevention

💡 Use this information to guide your outreach and media communications or share with community partners, healthcare providers + others working to prevent firearm-related deaths.

VDH Language Access Hub

The Language Access Hub is an internal learning space that will enable us to expand our understanding of language access and grow together as a learning community. Resources include language services, language access plan, VDH interpreter training program + contact information for the team.

Intranet access required.

📌 This can be found in Community-Focused Resources

💡 Use this resource for your language access needs, including the VDH translation library.

📌 Social Media Highlights

Topics Highlighted This Week