
Entries Submitted ONLINE ANYTIME On or Before ~

 Friday, September 29, 2023

Important Reflections 2023-2024 Dates:

   September 29 Cottonwood Elementary Reflections Projects Due ONLINE

   October 24 Cottonwood Elementary Reflections Open House 11am-1pm

   ? District Reflections Finalist Awards night

Contact Aisha Johnson at for more details.

Reflections is supported by the PTA to enable our students to express their artistic and creative talents.

The Reflections Theme for the 2023-2024 School Year is:

"I am Hopeful Because . . ."

Entries can be submitted for the following categories

► Visual Arts  ► 3-D Art  ► Literature  ► Film Production

► Musical Composition  ► Dance Choreography  ► Photography


Projects may include 

♦ Pictures  ♦ Picture montages  ♦ Drawings  ♦ Stories  ♦ Poems  ♦ Paintings

♦ Jewelry  ♦ Pottery  ♦ Sewing projects  ♦ Dance routines  ♦ Music compositions

♦ Films  ♦ Other ways in which you express your talent!

Entries will be submitted ONLINE ONLY.

Students can submit entries ANYTIME on or before SEPTEMBER 29th!

Each student can enter ONCE in each of the 7 categories!

SAVE your entries for display at the school October 24, 2023!

Parents info:


Each entry must contain a title and include an artist statement. The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. This statement and how the entry relates to the theme is a large portion of the score.

Submit online at this link: 

For additional help on how to enter, please see this video:

For more information on submissions:

Learn more and get involved: