
Cottonwood Elementary PTA can benefit from your everyday shopping.

Shop on Amazon using our link.


Help Cottonwood Elementary PTA through Amazon

Click on our Amazon School Rewards logo and it will send you directly to Amazon. Shop as you would normally do, there are no special instructions. It works for anyone, including existing amazon accounts.

The only thing to remember is to use our link! Every time you make a purchase we receive rewards. Purchases must be started from our link (no previous shopping baskets will apply) and you must finish your purchase within 24 hrs.

Anyone can use it so let friends, family and co-workers know! Want to share via email? Copy the following link and email it, or ask them to visit our website at

You can also use instead of You only have to set it up once, then every time you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same prices and selection with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchases to Cottonwood Elementary PTA!!

On your computer visit Login to your amazon account and set your supporting organization to be "Cottonwood Elementary PTA" in SLC, UT. Click on the orange "Supporting" tab at the top. Click on "Change charity" and "Select" "Cottonwood Elementary PTA" in SLC, UT. Bookmark on your browser and always check for the “AmazonSmile” logo to ensure you’re activated for AmazonSmile.

AmazonSmile works on the Amazon APP!! Activate AmazonSmile on your Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone. Tap "Settings" in the main menu. Tap "AmazonSmile" and follow the instructions to turn on AmazonSmile. Select Cottonwood Elementary PTA in SLC, UT.

Please share AmazonSmile with friends and family!

Amazon rewards will be used to help fund our many PTA sponsored programs and activities to add to your children's education.