Cottonwood Elementary PTA

Cottonwood Elementary School

5205 S. Holladay Blvd.

Holladay, UT  84117

Office: (385) 646-4798

Fax: (385) 646-4799


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Cottonwood Elementary 2023-2024 Theme

Every Star Shines Differently!

Welcome Back!

     The Cottonwood Elementary PTA executive board has been busy making plans for the school year. We appreciate the time many of you spend helping to make the Cottonwood Elementary PTA a meaningful part of our great school.

     Our top priority is to supplement our curriculum. Our key priorities for are as follows: 

We are excited at the prospect of both bringing new programs to Cottonwood Elementary and continuing many traditional favorites. We are currently exploring proposals to offer:

Please consider giving of your time and talents to help us make these opportunities a reality! Volunteer signups are available at the school office.

     We hope that you will carefully consider joining the Cottonwood Elementary PTA and making a tax-deductible donation to support our programs. We are also interested in corporate sponsorships for our events and activities. If your business or employer would like more information on opportunities to partner with our school or to take advantage of your employer’s matching funds benefits, please email Cottonwood Elementary PTA at

     All PTA members are welcome and encouraged to attend executive board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10am. Please come share information and ask questions!

     Please go to the Cottonwood Elementary PTA WebStore asap to complete registration fees and purchases. Thank you!

     Watch your inbox for regular PTA updates throughout the year and check back often for all the latest information. 

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can help Cottonwood Elementary earn more funds

through everyday shopping.

TOGETHER, we can make a difference for today and tomorrow in the lives and education of our children.