Student Feedback

What aspects of this course were the most valuable to your overall learning experience?

"The interactive simulations in class."

"Class discussions were great. It was really helpful that Frances had us talk things through with the class and give examples."

"I really loved how open and honest she was. She didn't involve politics in any of her lessons and made sure that everyone was included, while on the same page."

"She gave great real life techniques and examples."

"She was an amazing teacher. I really enjoyed this class, it was fun and I felt like I learned so much! One of my favorite teachers I have had."

"I was able to gain some valuable insight into communication and people, as well as some "public speaking" techniques that will probably help me in my future as a teacher."

"The instructor was amazing, I couldn't imagine anyone else teaching the course. Negotiation seems like something only business people or police have to do. She quickly showed up how untrue that is and how it could be beneficial in our everyday lives. the skills I learned in this course will help me thru the most important decisions and discussions for the rest of my life! The in class activities and the final discussion really were top notch."

"The professor was very approachable, and helped create an environment where I felt like I could ask questions and engage in conversations."

What barriers to learning, if any did you experience in this course?

"I received very little feedback on my assignments. I mean, I got full points for most of them, but surely I wasn't doing everything perfect. It would have been nice to get a few more critiques."

"I did not experience any barriers to learning."

"Too many assignments toward the end of the class; there wasn't enough time to do them all."

"I wish we spent more time on the negotiations if we could it seems a little rushed and not fully fledged out as much as it could be to be honest."