Course Development

The Planning Process

One thing I have learned is that planning a course is no easy feat! Thanks to the resources and direction of the Graduate College Teaching Certificate, I have been able to implement many resources that help with the development of my courses and class sessions.

Course Level Planning

One of the many resources provided was the process of backward course design. This implements a scaffolding process that demonstrates how I will arrive at achieving the class and course learning outcomes with my students. Below is an example of the backward course design overseeing the course learning outcomes and scaffolding to meet those outcomes.

BUSCOM201 - Foundations of Business Communication

Class Level Planning

Each class is broken down by creating class level learning outcomes that are established from the course learning outcomes. I create lesson plans for each class breaking down what assessments and activities will help me align the class learning outcomes to the course learning outcomes. I have found that no matter how exciting or awesome an activity might be, it may not align with the learning outcomes and distract from the overall goal of the class. Below are some lesson plans from previous class sessions.

Lesson Plans

DISPUT 494: April 21, 2018 - Negotiation Workshop Day 1

COMM 101: October 29, 2018 - Understanding Interpersonal Dialectics

COMM 101: November 5, 2018 - Public Relations