
The Community of Practice for Health and Microfinance in India has organized 8 webinars to spark innovation and new collaboration.

Most recent webinar

What Does Universal Health Coverage Mean for COPHAM Members?

6th September, 2018

In the context of the recent announcement of the launch of Ayushman Bharat, the Government of India’s scheme to address the massive financial security need and the quality of healthcare available in poor and rural areas, the COPHAM facilitated a discussion on universal health coverage (UHC) and how it relates to those implementing integrated health and microfinance programmes.

The process of strengthening India’s health system must ensure health equity and prioritize the poor and marginalized populations, especially mothers and children. To secure the community’s resilience, the solution must include strengthening local knowledge of preventive measures and access to health products and services reinforced by building assets and access to finance, as accessibility may not always guarantee affordability.

As a member of the Community of Practice for Health and Microfinance (COPHAM), you have already demonstrated commitment to improving health outcomes for these communities, and you will have a role to play in India’s UHC agenda.

Featured presenters from RESULTS Australia, Freedom from Hunger India Trust, and Indian Institute of Public Health. Moderated by DSK Rao.

COPHAM webinar_UHC and COPHAM_v2 090518

June Webinar

Meaningful Health Protection "the Mutual Way"

8th June, 2018

In “Meaningful Health Protection ‘the Mutual Way,’” Kumar Shailabh explains the mutual model of insurance and why Uplift chose it, what were the founding features and what did it achieve during its proof of concept over the first 10 years. Shailabh explains how a new design of shared risk pooling called Biradaree has evolved, its features and how communities can join the shared risk pooling.

Kumar Shailabh, co-founder and executive director of Uplift Mutuals, has been working in the health micro insurance space for 14 years. He has been instrumental in setting up the rural footprints of the model as well as making it technologically relevant.

COPHAM webinar_Meaningful Health Protection_FINAL060718.pdf

February 2018 webinar

COPHAM in 2018: Let's get started!

6th February, 2018

The first webinar for the Community of Practice for Health and Microfinance (COPHAM) in India. Agenda: 1) 2018 COPHAM events 2) 2018 research agenda and schedule 3) The process for compiling the COPHAM Members Compendium 4) Presentation and discussion of the “way forward” for COPHAM

COPHAM in 2018 - Let's get started_Feb 6.pdf

April 2017 webinar

Affordable and Quality Healthcare for MFI Client Families

Grameen Koota Financial Services Ltd. (GKFSL) and SAS Poorna Arogya Healthcare, have partnered since 2010 to provide quality healthcare services at an affordable cost to GKFSL’s client families. The model deployed, the “SAS PAP,” is flexible and cost-effective. It has a fast pre-approval and timely payment system to hospitals, and it gives a personal touch to customers.

Watch to find out if this is a model your organization would like to adopt and a partnership to explore.

Featured presenters from Grameen Koota Financial Services and SAS Poorna Arogya Healthcare. Moderated by Mukti K. Bosco (Healing Fields Foundation).

SAS-GK webinar PPT_v3.2_FINAL_notes.pdf
Speaker bios_v2.pdf
SAS healthcare partnership model.pdf

March 2017 Webinar

Community Health Workers: A Feasible, Viable Channel for Promoting Health Workers

Providing quality, affordable health-related products and services in a sustainable way to the poor and very poor is a challenge that many financial service providers are undertaking. Watch now.

Featured presenters from Healing Fields Foundation and CASHPOR. Moderated by DSK Rao (RESULTS Educational Fund).

See the slides at right/below.

Community Health Workers_HFF-Cashpor PPT_FINAL.pdf
Speaker bios.pdf

July 2016 Webinar

Lessons Learned in Building Partnerships to Reach Scale

July 28 webinar_FINAL.pptx

Creating partnerships is an important, if not essential, element in providing quality, affordable health-related products and services in a sustainable way to the poor and very poor. Watch now.

Featured presenters from Equitas and SKDRDP. Moderated by DSK Rao, RESULTS Educational Fund.

Presenter info sheet.pdf
Webinar Notes.pdf

June 2016 Webinar

Community of Practice: The Journey So Far and the Next Steps

COPHAM webinar_June 9_FINAL.pptx

RESULTS Educational Fund and Freedom from Hunger present the results of our listening tour in 2016 — conversations with key actors in the microfinance and health sectors in India — and invited participants' input on proposed actions for the Community of Practice for Health and Microfinance. Watch now.

Featured presenters: DSK Rao and Sabina Rogers, RESULTS Educational Fund.