Outside Course Options

The providers listed below are some of the many options available for CTLE hours

**If you want to use one of these providers for salary advancement, please check with the Assistant Superintendent for Administration & Personnel @ Central Office (Robert Annucci's office x3564)

This is the link to our local chapter of teacher centers that provide free workshops to all of its members. Check here to see if there are any interesting opportunities for you!

Welcome to ePD Zone, your one-stop website for on-demand electronically-delivered professional development courses. Learn what you want, whenever you wish, wherever you are.

Learn new concepts. Develop valuable skills. Grow in your profession.

This professional development site runs on the Edmodo platform and was designed and coordinated in a private-public partnership between Edmodo and the NYS Teacher Center Technology Committee. Many courses have been created by active Teachers and Teacher Center Directors on Long Island so the topics are normally very relevant and aligned with the changing New York State Standards.

Available Courses in MyLearningPlan

Mid East Suffolk Teacher Resource and Computer Training Center - Serving 5,500 Teachers and 63,000 Students in Suffolk County

Many of these courses are FREE through LINC :) Check out their offerings

The Nassau TRACT Teacher Center is a professional development resource center serving teachers, parents, administrators, students and community members. It is the mission of the Nassau TRACT Teacher Center to meet the expressed needs of the educational community by providing resources and training to; facilitate the building of partnerships; foster educational reform; develop new learning environments and assessments; recruit and assist new teachers; and incorporate technology tools and instructional strategies to achieve educational excellence thereby improving teaching practice and increasing student learning. These activities are content specific to help our teachers keep up with the newest technology as well as the new directives from the New York State Education Department.

This is a popular online professional development site where teachers can earn both CTLE hours as well as take courses that can count towards their masters plus credits. Use the promo code "newsd" to get an additional 10% off of your order.

Customizable Professional Development’s primary purpose is to improve educational outcomes for today’s student by providing high quality, targeted professional development for teachers.

Our instructors are dedicated to providing meaningful professional development for teachers in order to increase their students’ learning outcomes. Our approach of professional development models an individualized approach to education that in many ways is lacking in today’s schools.

SCOPE supports the fine educators of Long Island including school board members, superintendents, school administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals with a wide array of services.

SCOPE is proud to announce we are an approved sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE).

The Peconic Teacher Center has been providing quality Professional Development to teachers in the East End school districts for over 30 years.

This program provides a variety of programs and services to support school improvement. Offerings are grounded in best instructional practices to address the most current federal, state and local educational issues.

Nassau BOCES provides expertise and support to school districts in the areas of curriculum development, improvement of instructional practices and assessments, data analysis, online learning, videoconferencing, technology integration and professional development.

Our Mission: NERIC partners with our school communities to transform education through vision, leadership and support in technology.

Our Vision: We will be recognized as leaders for emerging and innovative educational technology, service and support.

The Center is dedicated to promoting excellence in education by helping teachers meet their professional challenges. Established in 1985, the Center strives to provide innovative programs and professional support services to over 5000 educators and 90 school communities that make up the 13 school districts and educational agencies of our consortium.