MacOS & Connect Care

Connect Care has been developed to be device and operating system agnostic. Your ability to access Conenct Care should not be limited by the type of computer or where you are accessing the system from. The ability to access Connect Care from any device is made possible by using Citrix virtual computers.

However there are some known complications when using a computer running MacOS to access Connect Care. These include:

The information below should be helpful in resolving these issues.


Before logging in to Connect Care on your personal MacOS device please follow the steps below to update the language settings on your computer.

Not following these steps can result in the inability to login to Connect Care.


Citrix only understands US English and our Macs are typically configured to speak Canadian English. When typing a character there is a mismatch between US and Canadian English, for example getting "€" instead of "?"


MacOS and Citrix

Install Citrix 

M1 or M2 Chip? 

Is your MacOS 10.15 or earlier? 




Connect Care does not autolaunch