Internal Medicine & Subspecialties

Outlined below are steps you will complete to get access to Connect Care

Scroll down this page for information that you will use to complete the following actions:

1. Complete Basic Training by:


2. Pass the appropriate Assessment to get Access to Connect Care:

3. Attend a Personalization session:

1. Basic Training Option One - Instructor Led Training 

Use the information below to find a date that you can attend, via Zoom, in an instructor led basic training session.

Upcoming Classes

To be registered please email You must specify the name of the class Internal Medicine Basic Training and the date you would like to be register for. 

1. Basic Training Option Two - Independent Learning

Ambulatory Medicine

Inpatient Medicine Independent Learning

If you are unable to attend one of the scheduled sessions you can complete your basic training independently online. The basic training course is delivered as a series of video modules that cover the same topics as the instructor led training. You can complete this training at your convenience. 

The course you need to complete is titled Epic - Inpatient Admitting - Independent Learning 

To access this course:

Accessing the training version of Connect Care

While completing this course you will need to login to the training version of Connect Care

2. End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA)

Before gaining access to Connect Care, all trainees must complete a short competency assessment, the End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA). This is done after basic (in-person) training or Independent Learning.


Access to the live patient care version of Connect Care is enabled overnight by automated systems after passing the EUPA and completing the mandatory AHS privacy training. Please allow time between completing your training and your first shift to ensure your access is in place. 

AHS Privacy - On Our Best Behaviors

Everyone at AHS has to complete the mandatory Annual Continuing Education (ACE) Privacy and Information Security training module on MyLearningLink: InfoCare – On Our Best Behaviors. Your access to Connect Care will not be enabled without completing this course.

3. Personalization

While not mandatory, it is strongly recommended that you complete an instructor led personalization session. 

After you have access to Connect Care please register for and attend a personalization session. Personalizing features in Connect Care empowers users to make the system their own, so that it reflects their favourites, preferences, and shortcuts. 

Use the information below to send an email to schedule your personalization session

Personalization Classes

To be registered please email You must specify the name of the class Internal Medicine Personalization Training and the date you would like to be register for. 

What Should I Do After Completing Basic Training? 

Exercise Booklets

To assist with your practice, you can access the exercise booklet linked below. 

Practicing in the System: Play (PLY) Training Environment Access

For further exploration and practice, you can access the PLY environment for post-training practice. You will find PLY in your Connect Care training folder.


The Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) supports speech recognition and dictation. Using a hardware or software microphone dictated text is transcribed directly with the CIS. Any amount of text, from a few words to entire letters, can be entered into the exact spot in the electronic record where it belongs. Moreover, the text can be corrected while dictating and the need for transcription is avoided. Voice can also be used to issue commands that help navigate the CIS, initiate actions or trigger time-saving text automations.

Dragon Medical One

Dragon Medical One is the provincial front-end speech recognition solution which uses your voice to securely capture the patient story more naturally and efficiently – anywhere, anytime directly into Connect Care. DMO is embedded and launched from within Connect Care capturing speech through the use of a mobile device application (PowerMic Mobile - PMM), USB microphone or headset.

Training for Connect Care Dictation

PowerMic Mobile

PowerMic Mobile is the default microphone for DMO in Connect Care. This application allows you to use your mobile phone as a microphone.  It will automatically connect with your Hyperspace session. Our experience and the experience of others indicates that speech recognition is excellent.  PMM installation is integrated with the Connect Care Mobility installation process. Complete all installation steps so that mobility management is enabled (Workspace ONE with its Intelligent Hub, Catalogue and Tunnel) and PMM is installed from the Workspace ONE Catalogue. Do not install PMM outside of this process, as the app will not be configured properly for Connect Care use.

Tip: Installing PowerMic Mobile


To install the Connect Care mobility apps please closely follow the instructions at this link

* the apps must be downloaded using these steps so that they are associated with your AHS identity