Submitting Photos

Workflow (Summary Checklist)

1. Import photos to Lightroom.

2. Edit and add captions.

3. Export. 

4. Find the assignment folder on OneDrive. (You must be signed in with your UTEP credentials).

5. Create a new personal folder named Last Name, First Name. Example: Boudreaux, Corrie

6. Upload your photos to your personal folder.

7. Go to Blackboard. Say hello in the assignment submission box and submit.

Workflow (More detail)

Importing to Lightroom Classic

Open Lightroom. Find the import button on the lower left side (make sure you are in Library module). 

From the left menu, choose the source or folder location where the photos are located.

In the contact sheet (the display of photo thumbnails in the center of the screen), you may select or deselect individual photos. I typically import the entire folder.

On the right menu, choose Build Previews: Minimal. 

Check the box for "Build Smart Previews" if you plan to work "offline" (I'll explain this in class).

Check the box for "Don't import suspected duplicates."

Apply a metadata template if you've made one.

You may add keywords that apply to the entire set of images if you want. You can add keywords to individual photos once they are imported.

Click Import at the bottom right.

Renaming Files

The "formula" for renaming is LastNameFirstInitial, then an underscore, then a brief description of the subject matter, then the original file number. 

Example: BoudreauxC_BetoRally_1049.jpg

The number at the end corresponds to the original file number created by the camera (this helps me match up the jpgs with the RAW files if I ever need to work backwards). 

You'll rename files as part of the export process.

Exporting from Lightroom

- Choose the folder location where you want to save your exported files.

- Choose Rename To: Custom Name - Original File Number

- Type in Custom Text: LastnameFirstinitial_Topic

Example: BoudreauxC_WalmartShooting

- Choose file type: JPEG and Quality: 100

- Choose Resize to Fit: Long Edge. Set at 1,500 pixels.

- Choose Resolution: 200 pixels per inch.

- Choose Include: All Metadata

Uploading to OneDrive

You'll submit photos on OneDrive. You'll see a folder for each weekly assignment. You'll go into that folder, create your own personal folder titled with your last name and first name, and upload your photos to your personal folder. The screenshots below show an example.

Submitting to Blackboard

For your photo assignments, I need you to also submit something on Blackboard in order to force Blackboard to generate a rubric for you and attach the grade to your gradebook. 

You will click on the Submit link for each assignment on Blackboard and then type something into the text box. It doesn't really matter what you put - just hello, a smiley face, a little trash talk for football season (Who dat!), whatever. 

So for every photo assignment, you'll upload photos to OneDrive AND submit a hello or something on Blackboard. Don't forget that it will be a two-step process every week.