Assignment 5


  • to use compositional techniques to work a scene and make creative images

Turn in:

  • 20 photos with captions (captions can be reused for more than one photo)


  • You will choose one building

  • You will make 20 different images of the building.

  • Repeat: All of the pictures should look different!

  • Your images should use different compositional and exposure techniques such as rule of thirds, lines, framing, find a unique angle; vary depth of field; different times of day, etc

  • you should ONLY use manual controls

  • you should adhere to photojournalistic standards and ethics

  • you should add captions to the metadata in Lightroom

  • In Lightroom, you should add a keyword about the compositional technique you're demonstrating


  • this assignment is worth 75 points within your “Photo Assignments” category

  • grading will be based on

    • technical standards – correct exposure, focus, sharpness

    • composition – unique and interesting, shows a variety and creativity

    • editorial content – honest, not staged, communicates a message to the viewer

    • captions – all photos have captions that tell the viewer who, what, when, where, why

    • named correctly (last namefirst initial _ assignment number_sequence)