
How grading works

Grading Categories

Your grade is based on the following categories and assignments:

Points are approximate and may be subject to change.

Your grades are about communication - I'm letting you know how well you've mastered the skills and objectives for each assignment and for the course. 

Photo Assignments

Quizzes and Class Assignments

I'll give you a few quizzes on concepts and lessons from class. You will also have some class activities and presentations that will count as quiz grades

I ask you to post a photo that has "Punctum" each week (I'll explain what this means). I want you to make this post on Slack. 

I also want to find out how you feel about your work on each assignment, so I'll ask you to post a reflection each week. This will be on Blackboard.  

Technical Portfolio

Your technical portfolio is the evidence that you have mastered control of light, depth of field, and motion through metering and exposure compensation.  This portfolio should be submitted as a folder of images drawn from four technical assignments.

Photojournalism Portfolio

Your photojournalist portfolio will showcase your ability and versatility as a photojournalist. This portfolio should be submitted in the form of a website that hosts your images. The images will be drawn from previous assignments on street photography, portraits, behind the scenes, and two news event coverages.

Storytelling Project

The storytelling project will be the showcase your "longform" photojournalism skills. I'll ask you to choose a subject early on and work with that subject multiple times over the course of the semester. Your storytelling project may be submitted as a page on your Photojournalist Portfolio or as a separate video slideshow package.

You must receive a C or higher on the photojournalist portfolio and the storytelling project to pass the class.

Attendance and Participation

I will spend a good bit of time in class on viewing and critiquing your work. I think this is very important for us to learn from each other and get ideas about what works and doesn't work. A lot of the things I will teach you also come up organically in these discussions instead of in formal, planned lessons. It's really important, then, that you attend class and that you participate in the discussion with constructive comments and questions for your peers and for me. 

You may be dropped or failed for excessive absences or tardies.

Extra Credit

I offer extra credit for spot news photos, so carry your camera with you as much as you can! Spot news photos submitted for extra credit must have complete captions and meet our technical, compositional, and editorial standards to receive full credit.

I don't do any other extra credit, but I always happy to help you if you're having trouble! The most important things you can do are show up for class and turn in all your assignments. Please talk to me as soon as you have an issue so that you don't get so far behind that it's impossible to catch up. 

Grading Scale