Assignment 4


  • to make aesthetically striking images using motion while covering human interest events

Turn in:

  • 8 photos


  • I want to you demonstrate that you know how to 1) control motion and 2) use motion creatively

  • Be creative in working with freezing motion and creating blur – but all your creativity should be INTENTIONAL and MEANINGFUL.

  • You should demonstrate at least one image of each of the following:

    • freezing fast motion

    • intentionally creating blur with a moving subject

    • intentionally creating blur with panning

    • zoom, spiral, or long exposure (3 seconds or more)

  • Your images should be made in the context of reporting news/telling a story - find candid, newsworthy scenes!

  • you should ONLY use manual controls

  • you should adhere to photojournalistic standards and ethics


  • this assignment is worth 100 points within your “Photo Assignments” category

  • grading will be based on:

    • technical standards – correct exposure, focus, sharpness (motion blur should be intentional!)

    • composition – eye-catching, pleasing, makes sense

    • editorial content – Continue to look for stories. Do not submit still life photos, empty landscapes, empty streetscapes, etc. Your photos should tell a story and mean something. You should be able to say WHY each photo is meaningful or important (and you can do this in the second sentence of your caption).

    • captions – all photos have AP-style captions that tell the viewer who, what, when, where, why

    • adherence to instructions – photos are on time; named correctly (last name_first initial _ assignment number_sequence); and placed in correct folder